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Getting Twisted At Pug’s Pub In Eustis

By Lulu

Pugs Bar

A GREAT locals’ bar in Eustis is Pug’s Pub. Owner Patty Fox is just a doll and is loved by her patrons, partially because she gets behind charities with their main benefactor being St. Jude’s. But when Patty and her crew heard Twisted Tea and Thunder Roads wanted to have a party with the Lake County food bank getting the money…they were all in! We raised $140 in cash for the food bank and when I offered to give half of it to their charity, they refused saying hungry families were important too. The magazine gives away $50 cash to raffle off to the food and money donors, and wouldn’t you know it the winner, Doris from the Pissin’ Frogs, donated that to St. Jude’s so both charities were “in the money” thanks to the generosity of the great peeps at Pug’s Pub and Twisted Tea. Twisted Tea is one of Thunder Roads biggest supporters of our efforts to help those less fortunate and we make sure everyone samples the “Tea” while we do our best to improve the lives of families in need.

Bay 3 Bar In New Smyrna Rocks The House

By Lulu

Bay3 Band Mistreater

Mistreater is a well-known favorite Biketoberfest band and they filled and rocked the house at our new ad client Bay 3 Bar. This unique garage bar is a true biker friendly establishment. The entire parking lot was full to the brim with motorcycles. And as most bikers are some of the most patriotic folks I know, it was a pleasant surprise when they kicked their party off with the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem! Put this on your fall list of bars to check out during November. It features ice cold beer ($2.25 for domestics) and wine in a very casual, friendly environment.

Bruce Rossmeyer’s Daytona Harley-Davidson Biketoberfest 2016

By Lulu


The Rossmeyer family managed to get up and running full steam for Biketoberfest despite Hurricane Matthew. Even though the crowds in town were down due to the storm and 16 of the major hotels closed due to damage, the parking lot at Destination Daytona was full and bike sales were brisk. Concerts, vendors and the new addition of Giant Recreation World made sure there was plenty to see and do. Our new client Rampless Trailer was set up right by the dealership and were proudly displaying their trailer that lowers flat making loading bikes super simple for girls, disabled riders and for all who want to store their bike right on the trailer in the garage. And if you need a new seat Ultimate Seat will set you up; they have a permanent showroom on premise at Destination Daytona. Always something going on at the Daytona and New Smyrna dealerships so check out their websites.

Boot Hill Saloon Biketoberfest 2016

By Lulu

Boot Hill 16

Fame is a blessing and a curse they say. Well, Boot Hill Saloon is probably one of the most famous biker bars in the world. They sell more T-shirts than just about anyone. The curse part of the fame, is the crowds sometimes get so big that it is hard to get in, in fact, the year I put their bikini contest on a few years back a few of my contestants couldn’t get on property due to the fire marshal! But even with Hurricane Matthew the party at Boot Hill Saloon still was on! Bikini contest, hot bartenders and great music entertained the masses. Don’t forget to party at the Boot when visiting the Daytona Beach area, they cater to bikers all year long and always have great music going on. They will be hosting the Rock of Daytona Birthday Party New Year’s Eve so toast the New Year on Main Street with us.

Lost Riders Fallen Hero Poker Run

By Ron Cox


More than 70 riders/passengers registered at Six Bends Harley-Davidson in Ft. Myers on November 5th to ride in the Inaugural Fallen Heroes Poker Run.

One of the unique aspects of the run was that all the card stops were at police agency headquarters. Riding as a group with a police escort from the Lee County Sheriff’s Department, the riders stopped at the Florida Highway Patrol, Lee County Sheriff’s Office, Ft. Myers Police and the Cape Coral Police Department. Each police agency received a framed Certificate of Appreciation, recognizing the efforts of these first responders. Proceeds from the run $2,000
will be held in escrow and divided among the agencies
as needed.

Cape Coral PD patrol cars and motor units continued the escort, safely leading the riders to Mike Greenwell’s Dugout Sports Bar and Grill for the post run festivities. The Pitbull Blues Band out of Ft. Lauderdale provided almost non-stop entertainment.

Loads of door prizes were given away. Ashley Van Buren won $170 in the 50/50 drawing and donated $70 back to the cause. Edwin “Sixx” Hyne was the biggest winner, an Ace through five straight won him a two night stay in Key West for two and round trip transportation on the Key West Express. The prize has a value of $850.

Lost Riders President Mike Mazzoli estimated that this run will become an annual event.

Beef Tips, David Allen Coe And Great Music At Iron Horse Saloon

By Lulu

DAC 2016

Bike Week is known for certain things at different venues, but everyone who comes to town or who lives here makes their twice-yearly trip to Iron Horse Saloon for the famous, fabulous Crager’s Beef Tips. When it comes time to fill those growling beer bellies almost everyone I know heads to the “Horse”. While there, you can always count on good music in the back lot. This year Mustang Sally, Brian Howe & Jared Blake were the headliners. And for Bike Week history the bikers still seek out David Allan Coe! Add ice cold beer from pretty tub girls and your Biketoberfest is complete!

Ride For Dreams At Adamec Bay Meadows

By Raven Van Pelt


Saturday the 12 of November, Adamec of Baymeadows, held their 8th Annual Ride for Dreams. The First Coast’s only locally based nonprofit organization dedicated to the dreams of children. From age 2 to 18, who are battling life threatening illnesses and have been referred by their doctor. More than 3.500 children and their families have seen their dreams come true.  Dreams range from a trip to Disney, meeting their favorite celebrity, to a cruise and more. Dreams Come True is committed to its goal of never denying an eligible child a dream.

100% of donation, unless stated by donor, are directed to the fulfillment of dreams. Form your own dream team, and help reach their fundraising goal or volunteer your time during a special event.  You can also donate and help make sure no child is denied a dream due to a lack of funds.

Chris’ Lounge A Biketoberfest Staple

By Lulu

Chris Lounge Dec16

Chris’ Lounge and the crew have been entertaining bikers for years. Stiff drinks, cold beer and friendly bartenders are what you can count on year after year. People from all over the country come to Chris’ to visit with old friends from near and far and Gina, Debbie and the crew. They have some major changes coming in 2017 to give us a bit more parking so keep an eye on Chris’ Lounge and throttle in for a drink soon!

9th Annual American Legion Chapter 283 Poker Run

By Raven Van Pelt

American Legion9

The  American Legion Riders Chapter 283 on Caroline Rd. once again held their 9th annual poker run.  Thanks to everybody that came out, we raised $25,000+ for 5 Star Veterans Center. The 5 Star Veterans Center helps veterans adjust from military life. The Five Star Veterans Center is a nonprofit corporation whose mission is to make a positive impact in the community and North Florida by offering safe/secure housing to displaced veterans, to alleviate veteran homelessness. The Dreamland Squadron once again conducted a flyover for the poker run. There were several poker stops, and upon return there were silent auctions, raffles and food all while the band Don’t Call Me Shirley rocked the rest of the afternoon. This event is held every September and this year the turnout was just as great with 390+ bikes. It was truly amazing they could raise $25,000+ for the 5 Star Veterans Center.

Mikey’s Tiki Bar In Pompano

By Lulu

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As we travel around the state we find some real treasures from time to time and Mickey’s Tiki Bar is one of those diamonds in the rough. The name is slightly misleading…as there isn’t a beach and I don’t believe any palm fronds at all, but the party is alcohol flowing, relaxing, dancing to awesome music and really FUN people!!! We became instant friends with Lisa and Eric. Alan throws BBQs and raises money for charity at some of his parties…so in the parking lot was a car to be bashed donated by his friend Tim from Sunshine Auto Recyclers, for Cystic Fibrosis. We are having our Twisted Tea Party at Mickey’s on November 20th, don’t forget your canned goods as we will be giving $50 cash away and you only need to bring nonperishables to get in for a chance to win!!

911 Remembered

By Lulu

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As I arrived for the ride organized by the Knights of Inferno and the Flagler County Blue Knights I was amazed by the crowd! Rue & Ziffra law firm has been a huge supporter of this event for years now and with their help Joe Vece and the organizers continue to make this ride one that stands out. After a moving ceremony the hundreds of bikes put up their kickstands and became a ribbon of metal to let the folks in heaven know they are not forgotten. This year I felt even more emotional as there has been so much disdain for police officers on the national news…NOT in my town…as shown by the respect shown on this ride. There were folks from as far as Orlando riding with us. Children who weren’t even born yet standing patriotically in the crowd! And I thought as I saw them standing there of the children who lost their parents that awful day, parents who lost their children in the day care at the Pentagon or on the planes, and the tragedy for all the lives gone in an instant, just sunk in deeper. The speech today included the reality of how many suffer mentally and have lung disease from the aftermath of living through the carnage. Just terrible that insane souls were driven by a madman into being cold, calculating murderers in the name of their religion! Thank you to all who organized this very important event in my life and to each and every one who gave up their day to honor the dead, the damaged, law enforcement and first responders…and OUR Country!

Phil Peterson’s Key West Poker Run 2016

By Lulu

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I love September. And the reason is that 44 years ago Phil Peterson, owner of the Miami Harley-Davidsons, started a poker run from Miami to Key West to raise money for charity. It is one of my favorite events of the year!!! To begin with it is to a beautiful sleepy island or key as they call it. The island has a sign when you enter Key West “Welcome Bikers Loud Pipes and All!”, they recognize how much bikers contribute not only to charities but to the local economy and they don’t mind putting up with a little noise and rowdiness! There is plenty to drink, excellent music to be listened to, an awesome bike show and bikini clad lassies everywhere. Sunset at Mallory Square is awesome! Hog fish, fish dip and Cuban sandwiches are scrumptious, and I ate some of the best chocolate candy I have ever tasted! We always run into friends from all over and meet new peeps that we will certainly see next year. The lucky winner of the $10,000 poker hand was Roy Bram!! The run this year had 6 stops which included Gilbert’s Resort, The Big Chill, Robbie’s Marina, The Island Fish Co., Boondock’s Draft and Grille House and the final stop was Conch Republic Seafood Company. We made it to all the stops but our hands didn’t qualify us to win a thing, but having been in Rotary I was happy to make my yearly donation to an awesome cause! Our stay at Casa Marina was awesome. And we make a few noteworthy stops, not designated stops just TJ must do stops. The Last Chance in Florida City is always our first stop. TJ cannot pass the Caribbean Club coming or going and I ran into a dear friend Dave while I was sitting at the bar. This year we also stopped in at No Name Pub for a great burger in Big Pine Key where we happened upon Key Deer too. Please do yourself and Rotary a BIG favor and put this on your calendar for 2017. Come have a great time with us for a really wonderful charity!

Nobodies Opinion Nov 2016


By Billy “Kneecap” Braddock


Being cremated is my last hope for having a hot smoking body…

Lived each day as if it was his last/yesterday he was right…

4 moods:

  • I’m too old for this crap
  • I’m too tired for this crap
  • I’m too sober for this crap
  • I don’t have time for this crap

Life has to be lived forward but can only be understood backwards/Aidous Huxley

To the gang: We grew up in the very best time to grow up in the history of America. The best music, muscle cars, cheap gas, fun kegs, buying a car for “a buck a year”-before Salt Lake got ruined by over population and Lake Powell was brand new. TV was boring back then, so we went outside and actually had lives. We always tried to have as much fun as possible without doing harm to anybody – we did a good job at that. See more at:

My regret is that I felt invincible when young and smoked cigarettes when I knew they were bad for me-

If you knew me or not dear reader, I am happy you got this far in my letter. I speak as a person who had a great life to look back on. My family is following my wishes that I not have a funeral or burial. If you knew me remember me in your own way. If you want to live forever, then don’t stop breathing, like I did-

It had more to do with the way she viewed the world, while life is serious, it shouldn’t be taken all that serious

As the old saying goes, “There is no such thing as bad publicity except for your own obituary.”
Won the best pitcher award

Annual checkups/Premortems

I was way too young when I was born

Kneecap always bragged that I didn’t ever edit anything he wrote except once when I removed a bad word and added dots where the uck would have been. So I didn’t edit this either. I tried to go to the link above and either he made a typo or he played a trick on us all! I will miss him immensely. He had many things he wanted to impart to his readers and I will ask that you vote in this election as a tribute to Kneecap and if you don’t know who to vote for…vote for Trump…use Kneecap’s name if you want, the Democrats will LOL (that is a joke). Also take care of your health, quit smoking, drink in moderation, love wholeheartedly and listen to the people who have great stories to tell no matter what they look like! Billy also ended each article with “See you on the shiny side of tomorrow…” notice he didn’t in this one…miss you already…

RIP Kneecap

2016 Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride

By Deborah Speicher


If you just happen to come across this particular group of riders, you might think you were witnessing a biker wedding or possibly filming for a movie. But, this was so much more. The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride is actually an international event that happens on the same day around the world to raise awareness and funds for the November Foundation which benefits men’s health programs (specifically, prostate cancer and mental health).

The Tampa Bay area had its’ very own ride on September 25, which started at Dime City Cycles in Largo. As the riders started to arrive that morning, it was obvious the dress code was formal – as in “shirts, ties, suits and tuxedos” as well as dresses for the ladies who participated. Classic and vintage motorcycles were the rides of choice. The worldwide theme came from a photo of a well-dressed Don Draper (TV show “Mad Men”) riding his 1957 Matchless 3GLS motorcycle.

As the group of approximately 200 riders left Dime City Cycles, they headed to Green Bench Brewery in downtown St. Petersburg and then across the bay to their final destination at Coppertail Brewing in Tampa. In addition to raising a few eye brows as they rode along city streets, the group raised over $21,000. Worldwide estimates are that approximately 50,000 riders from over 500 cities (90 countries) participated in their respective rides. The final worldwide tally is not in as of this time as fundraising is going on until the end of October. This is one event I want to support and will not miss next year! For more information, go to:

First Turn Raises 149 lbs Of Food For The Food Pantry

By Lulu


Thanks to Twisted Tea and wonderful bikers all over the state we are able to help food banks stock their shelves a bit each month. Denise and the wonderful patrons at First Turn in Port Orange went all out…bringing in so much food it filled the back of my SUV. And those that didn’t know to bring in cans donated to the cause! The bike night at First Turn is on Tuesdays and includes some free food, live music and of course great folks! I love sitting under the stars and little white lights listening to music while sipping on a Twisted Tea! The rain gods sent us running for cover a bit early but I must say it was an awesome night. I must mention that when someone at the party realized they didn’t have any food to donate they ran up to the Dollar General in Port Orange on Ridgewood and when the cashier heard what we were doing she purchased to cases of canned goods for the cause…thank you Carol!! The Second Harvest Food Bank said they were extremely appreciative of our efforts and it really means a lot to Thunder Roads Florida that we are able to help those in need. Our next Twisted Tea Party will be at Mickey’s Tiki Bar in Pompano on Sunday the 20th of November. Ride on in for great music and don’t forget your canned goods for the food bank!