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Knucklehead’s Benefit For Howard Word

By Raven Van Pelt


The benefit at Knucklehead’s Tavern off of Highway 17 in Yulee. Started with a poker run @ 11am, $15 per bike & $5 per rider. The ride went from Knuckleheads to Hammerheads (Fernandina Beach) to Bar Z (beside the Ferry off Heckscher Dr.) to Fast Freddy’s on Main St. (Jax) and back to Knuckleheads! Everyone participating in the poker run received a free dinner plate! Dinner plates were sold for $8 and they included BBQ Chicken and 2 sides.

Several bands played, there were raffle prizes and an auction. This event was for Howard Word, a loving father of 4, and grandfather to a newborn grandson. He has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Liver Cirrhosis and Stage 1 Bladder Cancer. His oldest son Colby Word (BlackJack Band), with the help of many others, set up this benefit May 14th from 2pm-close in order to raise money to cover his medical costs, travel and lodging for out of town doctors’ appointments and his liver transplant. He has been bed-ridden for over a year, and his wife is left to take care of him and their 5-year-old son. He has always been active in the community, coaching many years of football, baseball, and softball for kids and has always been a hard worker. It kills him to ask for help, but we know everyone needs it from time to time! ALL donations of any kind went to him.

The family would like to thank, Wayne and Rhonda McCormick the owners of Knuckleheads, and all those who have donated their time and raffle prizes, as well as, the many bands who played for this event.

Nobodies Opinion July 2016


By Billy “Kneecap” Braddock

Here we are in July, celebrating the 240th birthday of this great country of ours. 240 years ago brave men fought against inconceivable odds and defeated the most powerful Empire in the world, after which they created the greatest country the world has ever seen. They may not have been able to imagine computers, e-mails or cell phones but they knew about freedom. They intended that 95% of all governance should come from local governments, with the remaining 5% from the federal level.

When they wrote the Constitution they included safeguards like the 1st, 2nd and 4th amendments. They designed a country that would be subject to the rule of law and not the rule of man. Where life, liberty, and property would be protected. The 1st Amendment provides for freedom of speech. George Washington said, “If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to slaughter”.

The 2nd Amendment protects the right to bear arms. Old George had something to say about that also, “Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples’ liberty’s teeth”. The 4th Amendment protects its citizens from unlawful search and seizure. The Feds tell us that they mean no harm when they search our e-mails, phone calls and financial transactions. They say “trust us”. That would be like telling a blind man who is playing strip poker with four gypsy women that he won’t lose his shirt. “In God We Trust”, not government.

All confidence and credibility in the federal government has been lost. We are now living in a surveillance state. When they want to know where you’ve been, where you are, or who you talk to, all they need to do is track your cell phone. (The next time you want to order a pizza don’t call Domino’s. Call the White House they get the call first.) They claim it’s for our safety. Benjamin Franklin had something to say about that “He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither”. It seems like each morning that we are awakened to a new government scandal. Each time a new scandal arises, nobody in the government has any knowledge of the facts. I feel like I’m watching Hogan’s Heroes’ Capt. Schultz who is known to say “I know nothin’, I see nothin’” and “I didn’t even get out of bed this morning”. “Uncle Sam” has been replaced by “Captain Clueless”.

This Fourth of July take a couple minutes to reflect on what our founding fathers gave up in order for us to have freedom. Maybe even mention to your children the importance of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. You may even mention another historical writing. It set forth the idea of a progressive income tax, mandatory government controlled education, high estate taxes, a central bank like the Federal Reserve, and government control of the means of communication by an agency like the FCC. As a matter of fact, this historical writing was called “The Communist Manifesto”. Just wanted to give you some food for thought while you are eating your hot dogs, watching the fireworks, and waving the flag of freedom. Remember, had it not been for the brave men of the Revolution, we probably would be having tea and crumpets instead of hamburgers and beer. Have a safe and happy Fourth of July, but remember why we’re celebrating it. It’s called “Independence Day”.

Just an update for my loyal readers who know I am getting treatment for cancer from smoking. I’m doing fine thanks to the excellent medical staff that is helping me. The chemo and radiation has caused me to lose my beard, but when asked I say “it was irritating my girlfriend’s thighs”.

Checkout my website

See you on the shiny side of tomorrow.

Army Veteran – A Full Time Volunteer

vet16Motorcycle enthusiast and U.S. Army veteran Rich Malfitano was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. After a 36-year career of Federal Service he finally retired in 2007, but you would never know it based on the amount of hours he dedicates volunteering.

Since his retirement and residency in Port Orange, Florida. He has kicked up his volunteer service a notch or two. Rich has a long history of giving back. His volunteer service extends from NY, NJ, PA, DC, VA, TX and FL. A long time member of Rolling Thunder Inc., an organization for veterans, active military and public education and awareness of the 84,000 Americans still missing from past wars.

His volunteer service has rewarded him with over two-dozen awards from military commands, state and city officials and other charitable organizations. A few of his most honorable awards were the Defenders of Freedom Award presented to him by NYC Councilman Vincent Gentile, the Commanders Civilian Service Medal by U.S. Army Fort Hamilton Commander, Col. Terry Williams, the 911 Response & Support Team award by NY State Senator Marty Golden and the Florida State Governors Veterans Service Award presented by Governor Rick Scott.

His volunteer service covers a broad spectrum, working with the Military thrift store, the Army Chapel services, the Fort Hamilton Arts and Crafts center, Adopt A Lot and beautification programs and special project coordinator for Boy Scouts of America.

Rich presently volunteers as the Education Program Director and Public Relations for Rolling Thunder FL Chapter 8, and is the executive chairman of the newly chartered Fl chapter of “Sissy’s Angels” Advocates against domestic violence. He also volunteers at the Port Orange YMCA, and will now be adding Haven Hospice to the list. Rich visits schools, businesses and private organizations and has been instrumental in encouraging Americans young and old, in the importance of volunteering. He is also one of the states organizational representative for the Presidents Volunteer Service Award. One of the highest awards anyone can receive from the U.S. President for service to community and country.

Rich Explains: “Those who serve others know that It’s not about personal recognition, that’s why much of what we do is behind the scenes, but rather It’s about doing what is in your heart. And for me doing for others is just that. I grew up in a family where volunteering and helping others was the norm. My reward over the last 30 plus years volunteering has been: to be blessed yet another day, to do what I can do for others. In doing so I have met so many who have touched my life. I am so thankful to my children; Dawn, Richard Jr. and Michael and to Sue my life partner who has supported me from day one and for sharing in much of the volunteer service. Veterans make up a large part of our nations volunteers as do many motorcycle organizations and independent riders. Think of that when you see them in passing or on the road. Volunteers are essential in filling the voids of the needs of so many Americans. Become part of those who give! Volunteer in your community. There is something for everyone. I can help if you are looking to share some of your time in helping others. Feel free to contact me; Rich at: rollingthunderpr at

Approval for this article was given with the intent to encourage and promote community volunteer service.”

In Memory of “Too Tall” Pete Vanharken


The motorcycle community lost a dear friend, “Too Tall” Pete. I am sorry that I never met Pete, somehow our paths never crossed. From all accounts Pete was a man with a heart of gold and it was said by Rick Hilliard, “Pete would help you before you even knew you needed help”. The memory wall at the old Grumpy’s on US 1 in Port Orange was signed by those who knew and loved him. Ride the ribbon of clouds now Pete knowing your memory is cherished by those you touched.

Ride for the Stone

By Eric Darrow


A beautiful 60 mile ride by the BRADLEYSUMERSILLFOUNDATION.ORG through scenic central Florida to raise funds to purchase grave site markers for families who have lost a child and cannot afford a headstone. The day started out clear and cool at 39° (with wind chill on the highway -2°), to registration at the VFW in Winter Garden where they provided free hot breakfast and coffee and a warm reception.

This ride is a bit different. Participants were friendly and inclusive, including the MC’s like Fire and Iron, SCHOG, Street Forces and many others who came from as far north as Panama City and as far south as Sarasota and the Space Coast. This isn’t your typical hop from bar to bar, but a well-organized run (or you could venture out on your own), that provided plenty of open road to get up speed and twists other than parking lots.

Before next year rolls around (and you do notice the years get shorter as we get older), check out their site so you can plan to

What ABATE Means to Me

They call me JumpinJack:


Well first, there is the intended purpose of ABATE—–to support a lobbyist in the state capital that will support motorcyclists’ rights. Motorcyclists always seem at the mercy of lawmakers and insurance companies, and it is beneficial to a rider’s lifestyle to have someone fighting for our rights. And ABATE of Florida, INC, has been effective in the past: the mandatory helmet law, traffic sensor laws, motorcycle parking, motorcycles allowed in car pool lanes, and so on. All important issues to me and they get on the docket because of our lobbyist in Tallahassee. Also in place is a patent, MSAP (Motorcycle Safety Awareness Program) that is presented to schools and any organization, by certified chapter Safety Directors.

That is the meat and potatoes, and the fun part is how we support the lobbyist-by having toy runs, poker runs, campgrounds, and parties! We generate revenue through these events so we can pay the lobbyist. I’ve made many friends and had a great time over the years through ABATE of Florida, INC, Lake County Chapter, events, and I am still enjoying the organization.

So this is what it means to Me-Fighting for my rights on the road. Making many friends, and all of them ride! Getting to see those friends on a regular basis. The camaraderie that comes from working and playing together on our fund raising projects. Being a part of something big… big enough to affect the entire state… and country! The feeling that comes from standing up for your rights, and not just getting steamrolled by the legislature. Participating in miles long escorted protest rides to get the public’s attention, an annual “Can You See Me Now” ride happens in May, motorcycle safety month. Collecting toys for the not so fortunate children. State meetings, and riding all around the state. And the parties! I have had so very much fun over the years, with the good friends I have made through ABATE Lake County Chapter. Good lasting relationships with people that care about the same things I do. And of course, the monthly meetings, so we can get together and run our business.

I’ve been a member of ABATE Florida, INC, for 25 years, and it has been a meaningful and satisfying experience. And even though I go through periods when I’m not very accessible, I will always belong. Motorcycling is very important to me, and so is protecting my freedom.  Ride on, ride safe, and see you all soon…

JumpinJack Ron DeLaurier – check out the organization in Lake County at: or ABATE of Florida, INC at

A Twisted Afternoon At The Boat In Port Orange

By Lulu


The Boat Bar in Port Orange was host to our Thunder Roads Twisted Tea Party in May. Tony & Dar provided make your own tacos and there plenty to eat. The Twisted Tea sampling let to lots of donations for the food drive as people bought Tea and donated to the Second Harvest Food Bank in order to try to win the $50 cash prize. By the end of the afternoon we raised about 83 pounds of food and $227 thanks to the generosity of the patrons and to the winner who donated the $50 back! This is a great neighborhood bar, and a place that has special events each month such as the free tacos. Check out their ad in Thunder Roads Florida to see what is happening each month! You won’t meet anyone nicer than Tony and Dar anywhere! A special thank you also to Twisted Tea and Bill Grotto for allowing us to do these monthly events and help families that are struggling with hunger. Our next Twisted Tea party will be in Ocala at the Tilted Kilt on 40 on July 2nd. The Tilted Kilt does live music on a stage in the parking lot and they have a great crowd so ride in early their event runs 4-8pm.

2016 Bubba’s Bikes For Badges

By Deborah Speicher


On Saturday, April 16, Brandon Harley-Davidson and the Bubba the Love Sponge® Foundation hosted the annual “Bubba’s Bikes for Badges.” Proceeds from this event went to the family of fallen Hillsborough Sheriff’s Deputy John Kotfila, Jr.; Deputy Kotfila had been recently killed by a wrong way driver.

Over 100 motorcycles showed up along with several different police agencies to show their support. Leading the charge was radio personality Bubba the Love Sponge® on this police escorted charity ride. Most of us know Bubba through his wild and crazy radio show; but, what some people may not realize, he is also very passionate about supporting worthy causes and victims.

Starting at Brandon Harley-Davidson, the riders were taken on the Selmon Expressway (which was closed off to normal traffic), and back to the dealership for some music and lunch. I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the Tampa Bay Defenders MC who came out with a large group to support this event. A big thank you to Bubba, the Bubba Army and Brandon Harley-Davidson for all they do!

Ft. Lauderdale’s Cartel Baggers Grand Opening

By Lulu


The guys from Cartel Baggers in Miami came on the scene strong in 2013. With their amazing looking baggers and easily recognizable T-shirts they invaded Miami and the bike events of Key West. Now they are headlined at most major rallies. Their second store opened in April and they threw a huge event to celebrate. The owners of the Ft. Lauderdale store Shannon Fleischman and Dana Rizzo would love to have you challenge their creativity…so bring in your wish list and let your desires be fulfilled with cutting edge radical designs!

Eustis Bike Fest 2016

By Lulu


During Leesburg Bike Fest, a neighboring lakefront community Eustis, held a music festival under pretty shade trees in a really cool band shell built in 1926. Vendors including a guy selling alcoholic popsicles, local food, free bike parking and of course music was the 3-day fare for the event. Friday featured rock, Saturday was Bikes, Blues and BBQ and Sunday was country. I love the guys and girls from Southern Chaos so we rode in for Saturday and Sunday. Not a far ride from Leesburg and worth the trip if you want to get away from the crowds and heat for a bit and relax in the shade with music.

Sand & Sass Ladies Rally

By Marta Rose


What do you call three days of riding and summer fun at five different locations in one fun Florida beach town? You call it a good time!

Then, add into the mix shopping in specialty vendor villages; day rides along the coast; a bike wash and fashion show by the Men of Harley; fun daytime meet-ups and themed evening dinners with live entertainment; workshops and seminars; biker games and a trophied bike competition; a champagne brunch with female keynote speaker; and luxurious accommodations on the beach. Well, you call that the Sand & Sass Ladies Rally, taking place this summer (August 18-20, 2016) in Panama City Beach, Florida.

“A ladies’ rally is something we’ve wanted to do since opening our doors three years ago,” says Marta Rose, Director of Marketing and Events at Harley-Davidson of Panama City Beach which opened in April 2013, nine days before the Thunder Beach Spring Rally that year. “We’ve had our eye on female riders for a while, creating events to engage them, accommodate them, and grow that segment of riders. Panama City Beach is a really fun place to come on vacation and such a rider-friendly town, so it’s a natural fit to put on a ladies’ rally here.”

Fun in the sun, for sure! The Rally takes place predominantly at Harley-Davidson of Panama City Beach and Spinnaker Beach Club, with activities also happening at Club La Vela, Ms. Newby’s and Runaway Bay. On Thursday, August 18 rally goers will check into their accommodations at Palazzo Resort situated on the west end of Panama City Beach’s white sandy beaches and crystal clear Gulf waters, within two miles of Pier Park. Palazzo offers an array of Gulf front amenities including an elevated tropical pool and spa, fitness facility, spacious bedrooms, fully equipped kitchens, washer/dryer, and private balconies.

Women can be very particular about the type of vendors they want to see when they go shopping. The vendor villages at Harley-Davidson and Spinnaker Beach Club will contain high-end and unique vendors. “We want to showcase fun and different, not the same old thing,” says Rose. Vendors will include health and nutrition items, hair accessories and head wraps, unique jewelry, good leathers and chaps, cowboy and riding boots, designer apparel, patches, a leather sewer and at least one masseuse. Conventional rally vendors selling bike parts and accessories will also be there.

The kickoff party starts at Harley-Davidson’s Bike Night on Thursday night, and progresses to an afterhours party at another location. The bike competition includes preliminary contests for Best American Bike, Best Metric, Best Chopper, Best Trike and Best Antique. Class winners will compete on Saturday afternoon at Harley-Davidson. A “Forgotten Coast Ride” (85 miles each way; six hours total time) will include stops at Toucans in Mexico Beach, Apalachicola and St. George Island.

What sets Sand & Sass apart from other rallies is the interactive activities. “We’ve got fun things lined up from morning until night every day,” says Rose. “Rally goers can take part in every single activity…or just several, or simply do their own thing.” To book your condo for the Sand & Sass Ladies Rally, call ResortQuest at 800-380-4808 and identify you’re with the SAND & SASS LADIES RALLY; reference Customer Code F9007. If you’re interested in vending at Harley-Davidson contact marta.rose at If you’re interested in vending at Spinnaker Beach Club contact chris at For more information, call Harley-Davidson of Panama City Beach at (850) 230-6485 or visit our Sand and Sass Facebook page.

Performance Cyclez Bike Show

By Lulu


During Leesburg Bike Fest Performance Cyclez puts on an event at their location including a bike show, bikini clad girls and food. We want to say a special thank you to the guys at Performance as they managed to get TJ’s bike serviced when we had the need to get on the road in a hurry to ride to Thunder Beach…these guys are great at what they do. Thanks Wayne and Jeff we love you!

12th Annual Memorial Deputy Pat Healey Poker Run

By Ron Cox


Upwards of 135 riders and passengers assembled at Six Bends Harley-Davidson in Ft. Myers on Sunday, April 17th to ride in the annual Pat Healey Poker Run. The run was sponsored by the Defenders M/C.

Run stops included Rusty’s Raw Bar & Grill, Mission BBQ, Carrabba’s Italian Restaurant (who set out some tasty finger foods) and ended at the Shell Factory.

Deputy Pat Healey was off duty when he observed and apprehended a driver operating his vehicle erratically. In the ensuing scuffle, Deputy Healey suffered a heart attack and succumbed a few days later. In Deputy Healey’s honor, his friends and coworkers organized this ride.

Money raised from the run ($3,900) will be donated to the Fallen Heroes Memorial Fund, a fund that provides financial relief for first responders and/or family members. Mike Lease scooped up the first prize of a $250 gift card donated by Six Bends Harley-Davidson. Lease won with 4 Aces!!

The Defenders motto is “A brotherhood of One” and this event exemplifies that.

Memorial Day 2016 Hit The Ground Running

By Metric and Phoenix


I would like to recognize the newest and youngest group of Veterans out there helping other Veterans. The Veterans-in-Arms VMC is mostly made up of the younger generation of Veterans from the Dessert Storm/Shield era. The Brothers from the Veterans-in-Arm VMC have that special “comradeship” that they shared while they were in uniform. They incorporate all Veterans to include both Brother and Sister Veterans that enjoy the freedom of the open road, the wind in their face and the opportunity to say “THANK YOU” to the Veterans that paved the way for them. The Club kicked off Memorial Day with a “family” breakfast at Bob Evans Restaurant in Sebring. Bob Evans host a breakfast the 1st weekend of each month for a special group of Veterans. The “AIRBORNE” group is made of Veterans and their spouses that strive to keep that “comradeship” that they experienced during their time in uniform. So if you are in the Sebring area the 1st weekend of the month, stop at Bob Evans and share breakfast with our “family”.

After breakfast our “FLAG” bikes led us to Lakeview Memorial Gardens where we heard a heart-wrenching firsthand account of the meaning of Memorial Day. We paid our respects to a very special young Veteran that I had the privilege to know personally, Ryan “RAT” Drury. From here we traveled around the county to honor one of own member’s family, Bulldog’s dad, Colonel Marshall “Ed” Jordon who is laid to rest in Avon Park. Topping off our Memorial Day ceremonies, we traveled back to Veterans Beach in Sebring to take part in a ceremony to honor some special Veterans that gave a little more than most. The local Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter 601 held a brief ceremony to honor their members who are no longer with us.

While most Americans look at Memorial Day as the start of summer and a holiday filled with picnics and barbecues, let’s please take a moment to remember those who have made it possible to enjoy our freedoms we have here in America. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

Calendar of National Biker Events From June 2016 – Oct 2017


JUNE 9-12

JUNE 10-12

JUNE 11-19

JUNE 16-19

JUNE 23-26

JUNE 23-26

JULY 14-17


AUGUST 19-21










MARCH 10-19

APRIL 28-30

MAY 3-7