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The Nation Of Patriots

By Raven Van Pelt


The Nation of Patriots was formed in 2009 to provide financial support to those who have served in our Armed Forces and their families. These individuals have volunteered their lives in the preservation, protection and future of The United States and all of its citizens. For this we are grateful.

They are an independent, non partisan, 501(C)3 nonprofit organization. Who annually launch a campaign that works on a national level to promote the awareness of the physical, emotional, and economic misfortune that our wounded veterans and their families are living with today and every day.

This event is called The Patriot Tour. They pride themselves on being able to give 100% of all donations received directly to the veterans they strive to help. They work with VA facilities and many other veteran organizations to help locate and select the veteran families based on specific criteria. During the months of November and December they allocate ALL money raised and send it to veterans all over the country.

This year they had 46 bikes and 52 players for the Nation of Patriots Poker Run, and despite a little rain, it was a great  ride, with 5 stops, a 50/50, raffle prizes and live music. The amount made on the poker run was $1,233.00 and the total for all events, the Poker Run, the welcoming of the National Flag to Jacksonville and the delivering of the National Flag to Tallahassee. was $6,855.00. Thank you Michael Franz Cooper (Bear) Shea Ready, they couldn’t do what they do without the participation and dedication of many people who believe as they do.  Sponsors are very important like Adamec Harley-Davidson, The Law Firm of Pajcic & Pajcic, Swisher International, Imagine Glass, Mineral City, Open Road Leathers, and many more who donated to this very worthy cause and to all those who made the ride so successful.

Destination Daytona Garage Party

By Lulu


Bruce Rossmeyer’s Ormond Beach location has been having extended hours monthly. In June, they threw in a Garage Party for lady riders and this month care of your motorcycle was the featured topic. Ted Koester gave an in service demonstration on bug removal, washing and waxing and chrome and leather care.

I loved the S100 product for fast suds and an easy wash! BUGSLIDE is his recommendation for bug removal and Pig Spit for the black motors featured on many Harleys now. Lucas Spray Glaze for paint and chrome ends with a pretty shine. After the class the ladies headed to the showroom for free hot dogs.

It is a great way for lady riders to get to know each other and to learn care…and easy ways to care…for their bikes! All the products mentioned for care of your bike are available at Destination Daytona Harley!


4th Annual Party & Poker Run For American Legion Chapter 25

By Phoenix and Metric


The American Legion Riders from Chapter 25 in Lake Placid hosted the most enjoyable annual party and poker run in the past few years. While the turnout was not as large as expected the outcome was well worth enduring the July heat.

The day’s events start with the juiciest, most delicious burger in town thanks to the Ladies Auxiliary and the post provided the coldest drinks on earth. The Riders led a small but brave group of riders on a wonderful ride around the beautiful countryside in the extreme heat.

After a long hot ride the riders were greeted with a fun filled afternoon of bike games, a dunk tank and a delicious pulled pork dinner provided by the Sons of the American. Special thanks to David Wrede from Wrede’s Wildlife Preserve for bringing “THUNDER” out for our party. THUNDER is now an honorary member of the Legion Riders.

Seeing how the funds from the annual go to support local Veterans, I’d like to give special recognition to the Highlanders US Military Veterans MC for showing up in force. It is great to see other Veteran organizations supporting each other. Everyone had a great time and we are already looking forward to next year’s annual to be bigger and better.

So mark your calendars for the second weekend in July to make the trip to God’s country (Highlands County) to enjoy the best annual around. Bring a bathing suit and prepare to get WET & WILD!!

Celebrating 35 Years At The Iron Horse Saloon

By Lulu

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35 years in business is an accomplishment for any establishment. But it is rare in the bar business! But that is the birthday Iron Horse Saloon in Ormond Beach just celebrated and they did it cowboy style. The day was complete with a great band Rio Grande, a free mechanical bull to ride to your heart’s content, a Daisy Duke contest with cash prizes, best female and male cowboy outfit contest, best horse and western theme tattoo contest. Willie from Tropical Tattoo was there doing his thing… Birthday cake filled the partiers’ bellies. Corona, Budweiser and Twisted Tea were giving out things all day long including Kenny Chesney tickets! Sherry handed out Sparklers and we all seemed like little kids suddenly, no one waited until the order was given to light them…they were running around like maniacs with what I perceived to be a danger in the hands of Iron Horse patrons!

Everyone made it through the night safely and I am sure with the hardworking Melissa and Sally holding the reins the Iron Horse Saloon will ride out many more birthdays!

A Birthday Bash At The Cabbage Patch Bar

By Lulu

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Some things in life are meant to be celebrated and milestone birthdays are one of them! Ronnie Luzner, the owner of the world famous Cabbage Patch Bar in Samsula, had one this year and between friends, family, dueling pianos and lots of liquor a good time was definitely had by all. The whole crew from the new radio station the Rock of Daytona 104.7 was on hand to celebrate. And if there is anyone I know who has a young at hard spirit to celebrate it is Ronnie!! Happy…healthy many more years to come!

Stormy Hill Harley-Davidson Celebrates 13 Years!

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It’s hard to believe that it’s been 13 years since Stormy Hill Harley-Davidson opened their doors. “We decided we wanted to do something really special for this lucky 13 anniversary, so we elected to giveaway a new 2015 Street,” said Janice Malik, owner. On June 6th, there were only 500 entries allowed and you had to be present to win. Not only did they giveaway a bike they had two live radio remotes, K97 Country and 103.1 the Wolf were on site. Additionally, the Andrew Williams Band and Patrick Gibson Band shared the sound system so there was never a break in the music when one took a break the other band played and the music was great.

At 3:00 they pulled the lucky winner, Deirdra T. of Winter Garden screamed when she heard her name called. “Not only was she the perfect winner for this bike, it was her birthday as well,” said Janice. “It was a wonderful event and the best thing about the day was that everyone really seemed to be enjoying themselves. We have heard so many compliments about the day and all that we did to make it so much fun. Guess we have really raised the bar now.”

Nobodies Opinion July 2015


By Billy “Kneecap” Braddock

July is one month that I get really irritated. I know it should be a joyous time with BBQ’s, parades, and fireworks but I look around and I see our schools indoctrinating instead of teaching. Polls have shown that 30% of our teens have no idea why, and from whom, we declared our Independence. (21% believe that the sun revolves around the earth). Even college students when asked about Independence Day know little or nothing at all. They weren’t taught that in 1776 we declared independence from an oppressive government. We are far more dependent and oppressed by this Imperial Federal Government than we were by Great Britain. We are taxed higher and regulated more.

I make no apology for being a patriotic American. Many Americans have forgotten or never knew what the Fourth of July is really all about. They never have been taught that a group of men signed their names to the Declaration of Independence knowing that it could cost them everything including their lives. Would you be willing to sacrifice yourself and your family to sign a similar document declaring independence from Obama tyranny? The Fourth of July is about our freedom in America. We are losing more and more freedoms daily. Patriotism is dying. It’s no longer taught in government schools. It’s more important to teach how to put a condom on a cucumber.

Even when I was in my one room K-8 school writing with a piece of coal on the back of a flat shovel or with a quill and ink on pulp paper, my teacher would encourage us to read as much as we could. When I finally went to high school, where we had electricity, I was instructed to read two books that have made a deep impression on me. One was “1984”, a dystopian novel by George Orwell that was about an omnipresent government surveillance and public manipulation dictated by a political system that persecutes individualism and independent thinking as “thought crime”. The other was Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shugged” that depicts a dystopian USA wherein many of society’s most prominent and successful industrialists abandoned their fortunes and the nation itself, in response to aggressive new regulations, whereupon most vital industries collapse. Sound familiar?

Our founding fathers despised democracy. That’s why they referred to the USA as a Republic. Democracy was once explained as “a pack of wolves and one sheep discussing what to have for lunch”. Time has changed. We now have the minority of the minority telling the majority how they should live. Since Bruce Jenner, aka Caitlyn (he to she) (if the surgery when going from she to he is called “adadicktomy” is going from he to she called “loseadicktomy”) and Rachel Dolezal (white to black), we now have to accept transgender, transethnicity (cisacism), transracialism, transanimal (otherkin).

I was once told that if you can’t beat them join them. So I did. When I got up this morning I felt like I was a female, so when I went to pee, I sat down. When I went to the gym, I told my trainer that I was still feeling like a female and would it be all right if I showered with the girls? He said “Just because you have a nice set of moobs (man boobs) and a beer belly that looks like a baby bump, that does not entitle you to the female shower room. The dumbbells are over there dumbbell”.

Someone once said I was pessimistic. Could a person who was married 12 times be a pessimist?

See you on the shiny side up tomorrow

Riding Into History

By Dave Twitchell


We are never at a loss for events this time of year in Florida. However, after a work week that leaves its mark on the Mind & Body, an early Saturday ride may be easier considered than done. Organized rides with scheduled times and briefings were not on my radar, just give me flat asphalt and two huge cylinders firing in perfect rhythm was the needed prescription.

When it comes to events within the Cycle community we tend to pick our events with skepticism knowing that some gatherings will be a disappointment. Who or what crowd is going to be there? We ask ourselves those questions because time is limited. Will it be Cruisers, Harleys, Sport bikes, a Poker Run, or custom Chops? In the case of the Ride Into History Concours d’Elegance hosted by the World Golf Village every niche of the Motorcycle legacy was represented which made for an agreeable scene no matter what you ride.

A showing of three-hundred restored and preserved Vintage motorcycles from all corners of the United States assembled in one place for a two day event to benefit exhibition. Pick your flavor and it was there including Milwaukee Hogs and the original Indians beside Ducati joined by Soviet-era models, BMW’s galore and every Moto Guzzi wowed the crowd. Kawasaki, the innovator in motorcycle technology, stood beside Honda with their strong line-up of 1970’s bikes still running to reinforce their reputation of producing an engine that refuses to quit.

The benefactor for this year was K9’s for Warriors. They are a voluntary non-profit organization that links Veterans to rescued service Dogs with a high success rate of rehabilitation for both the Soldier and the Canine. Last year’s Ride Into History contributed $40,000 to K9’s for Warriors. It may be the struggling Veteran or damaged Dog that was abused and discarded but a new partnership of unconditional servitude repairs wounds that resonates a positive change throughout the Community. Since the beginning of Ride Into History the foundation has donated over $350,000 to various charities.

Instead of aiming the camera at every bike I found it was refreshingly nostalgic to just listen to people from all over our Country tell a short story about a certain Make, Model, and Year of a bike they were now seeing again like a High School reunion. It’s a religiously intimate connection we have to our bikes; the ones we ride now and those we racked up the miles on. Which one did our family member have or what color was the hottest thing you remember from a decade past? Many made your Heart thump and like all loves a few were wrecked leaving their marks like distorted tattoos. These are the tales from those days that had to be lived to be understood – the low-speed turns and the high-speed falls that we’ve experienced because of the freedom to hit the road on two wheels.

Veteran’s Ride In Memory Of Bill Gruber

By Lulu


Friends come and go in life…some impact our lives so deeply that we just wouldn’t be the same person without having them in our lives. Occasionally it is someone that you really haven’t known long or even that closely. Just the small amount of time they travel down the highway of life with you changes you. My friend Bill Gruber was one of those men! He died last year tragically on his motorcycle traveling up north to watch a graduation of one of his grandkids. He is missed by his wife Nancy, his family, his fellow Rolling Thunder family, by many friends and by me (one of his biggest fans!). This month Rue & Ziffra law firm, Veteran’s Assistance Coalition and Rolling Thunder Chapter 8 held a ride in Bill’s memory to support veterans . Bill worked tirelessly in his neighborhood helping those in need, helping veterans and working with Rolling Thunder Chapter 8.

Bill convinced me a few years back to ride to D.C. with their Chapter and that was one of the life changing experiences I credit him for. I have always loved the men and women who protect our country, but I had an eye opening respect hit me in the face when I saw how the Vietnam veterans work to keep our current veterans from ever experiencing what they went through.

The other was when Bill asked me to go on a day of moving homeless veterans into housing. I watched a group of “way past middle age” men spend HOURS each week moving, packing and unpacking to put one more person into a home and off the streets, providing all the essentials needed to make a safe homey place for someone that 24 hours earlier had basically what would fit in a knap sack.

This is how Bill spent his life wasn’t enough to have served our country in the military. He continued to do so right until the end. I was pleased when I heard about the ride to help veterans in his memory…nothing would have made him happier than to know the work he loved being a part of he was still impacting.
Thanks to Rue & Ziffra for being such loyal supporters of great community causes, to Beaver Bar for being the host for this event and to Rolling Thunder 8 and Veteran’s Assistance Coalition for all their tireless work. And to each and every one of you who rode with us in Bill’s memory!

Memorial Day 2015

By Deborah Speicher


For some people Memorial Day brings to mind a three-day weekend, barbeques, a day at the beach, and the Indy 500. What should be remembered is the reason for this holiday, which is to thank the veterans of this country and the families of those who have fallen.

Every Memorial Day, Florida National Cemetery (Bushnell) holds a ceremony to honor those buried there and their families. Even in times of high gas prices and economic turmoil, the Florida motorcycle communities were out in full force to support this event. Several military riding organizations participated. With approximately 350 bikes, the largest group riding into the cemetery was the Defenders MC (Tampa Bay Chapter). The Defenders MC is a group comprised of active and retired military, law enforcement, emergency services and public safety professionals.

The Defenders’ ride was coordinated by Colonel Ron “Paladin” Rook, USMC (Ret.), who has done so for the past several years. Local HOG and other riding groups were invited to join the Defenders for this ride. Thanks to a police escort and the excellent road captains from the Defenders MC, this 30+ mile ride went off without a hitch.

The ceremony had many poignant speakers, patriotic music and a “missing man” flyover by Ye Mystic Air Krewe. While the actual meaning and traditions of Memorial Day may have been forgotten by some people, those attending the ceremony came out to remember, honor and salute those who had defended our country as well as to those currently keeping our country and citizens safe. Once again, the group “Flags for Fallen Veterans” and a couple of thousand volunteers made sure that 120,000+ flags were placed on the grave sites. A big THANK YOU to this group and all the volunteers that came out the day before to make this happen.

2015 Blue Knights Law Enforcement Ride

By Lulu

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Blue Knights Chapter XXII hosted the 2015 Law Enforcement Ride out of Flagler County. It began with a brief ceremony and then a beautiful 65 mile escorted ride which ended at Bulow Campground for a BBQ lunch and raffles. This ride is held each year in memory of those officers who have died in the line of duty. This year a special thank you to Rue & Ziffra for their sponsorship of this worthy event.

8th Annual HD MDA Women’s Ride

By Deborah Speicher

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The 8th Annual Harley-Davidson MDA Women’s Ride went on as usual during this past Daytona Bike Week. Unlike prior years with hundreds of ladies participating, we only had 62 riders. In light of the marketing campaign by the Daytona Beach Convention & Visitors Bureau aimed at women riders this year, I found it odd that the MDA numbers were down.

As Daytona Bike Week approached, I found that at almost every click of my mouse, I would see ads enticing women riders to attend this rally. Did it work? YES! I believe I did see an increased number of women on their own motorcycles this year at Daytona. That was probably also due in part to how many women are now riding their own bikes; but, nonetheless, it was evident. However, more women riders attending Daytona Bike Week did not equate to an uptick in participation at the H-D MDA Women’s Ride.

I see the lack of participation for the MDA ride as being two-fold. One is that there were some changes in staffing at MDA and planning got underway later than usual. Secondly, there was very little mention in any of the trade magazines or online event sites about the ride. As a contributing writer for Thunder Roads Florida Magazine, I know that this magazine and many others will put an event on their calendar for FREE. Ditto for the online event sites including who did a great job of promoting Daytona Bike Week to women riders this year.

I would also like to give a shameless plug to the ladies from the Old Town HOG chapter who had nineteen ladies riding for the cause this year. These ladies have continually supported this event from the start.

As in the past, the ride was led by Karen Davidson, great granddaughter of one of the Harley-Davidson founders. Our ride started at the Daytona Speedway and ended at Destination Daytona. We had a partial police escort which was at the very beginning and end of the ride, and reserved parking upon reaching Destination Daytona.

Gator Harley Davidson’s 10th Annual Woman’s Conference

By Deborah Speicher

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How to do top nine prior years of entertaining the ladies with a fun-filled day? Well Gator Harley-Davidson did it again. I believe most of it comes from listening to their customers (via surveys) and ingenuity.

As always, I was impressed with the vendors and speakers for the day. Local skin care expert J. Scott Berry was back. Makeovers were in order! J. Scott also carries a line of makeup which I found works great even when riding my motorcycle. Another one of my favorite speakers was back — Mike the head mechanic at Gator Harley. Mike also did his “tech talk” downstairs in the Service Department. I always walk away with priceless knowledge about my motorcycle and riding from Mike.
Other speakers included Rita Lorleberg, the local District Manager from H-D Motor Company, and Josh from “That Gun Shop.” Rita spoke about being a woman in a male-dominated industry; and, in addition to guns, Josh spoke about other safety devices.
After a busy morning, it was time for lunch and the fashion show. Harley-Davidson continually proves that their clothing is not only fashionable but utilitarian for riders.

The main event featured “dueling pianos” and you really had to be there. Words are not enough for these two guys who are entertainment machines.

This year’s theme of the day was “denim and diamonds” and the second floor was transformed to reflect just that. Who knew that a pair of blinged-out jeans could be used as a centerpiece! Shopping was brisk during the day as ladies were once again given a 20% discount. Kudos to Alex Malik and all the other ladies at Gator Harley – great job!

Nobodies Opinion June 2015


By Billy “Kneecap” Braddock

At my age it is normal to get up before the sunrise and sometimes even go to bed before sunset. I realized I was getting old when my overactive libido switched places with my underactive bladder. I kind of got used to getting up, taking my daily dose of Geritol, making my oatmeal, and taking my arthritis medicine with a shot of prune juice. I would tell people that the reason I took Geritol was because I had tired blood. The truth was I found out it was 12% alcohol. Now, that’s an eye-opener. The prune juice is self-explanatory. However today, I don’t need the prune juice. All I need to do is turn on the morning news and I instantly have a bowel movement.

I’m old enough to remember the riots of the 60s. When I turn on the TV and see the riots in Ferguson and Baltimore and hear the rhetoric spewed out by Obama, Holder, and that race baiter Al Sharpton blaming the police, I shudder. After 55 years I still don’t understand why when you’re mad at somebody, you go home and burn down your own house. WTF.

On May 8th hundreds of people gathered at the National World War II Memorial to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of conflict in Europe. Many of the Veterans needed canes, walkers, and even wheelchairs. Where was Obama? He again was showing his disdain for the military by not showing up. He felt his meeting with Nike in Oregon was more important than honoring our World War II veterans. He didn’t even send his court jester Joe Biden. Or is that spelt Joke Biden. Guess who he sent? Susan Rice, who is famous for making the rounds on the Sunday morning news shows lying about the reason Americans were murdered by Islamic terrorists in Benghazi. Just another kick in the ass of our Veterans. His administration is intentionally weakening and gutting our military and is always ready to insert liberal rhetoric of “hate and intolerance” as an excuse for his cultural Marxist cause.

Obama likes to compare himself to Abraham Lincoln. The only thing they had in common was that one time they both lived in Illinois. Lincoln was a Republican and a strong social conservative. Obama is a hard left Democrat. Lincoln ultimately united a nation brutally divided, while Obama brutally divides a nation once united. Hello “Hope and Change!”

He also likes to parallel himself with Harry Truman. Truman dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ordered the airlift that broke the Berlin blockade, and produced the Marshall plan and NATO. I personally cannot see the association.

I also like what Harry Truman told Douglas MacArthur in a telegram when MacArthur asked about political correctness. “Political correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end!”

I read the other day that there was a dangerous virus called “Weekly Overload Recreational Killer (WORK) is currently infecting lots of people. If exposed go quickly to the nearest “Biological Anxiety Relief (BAR) establishment and get the antidote “Bothersome Employer Elimination Remedy” (BEER). It’s great to keep informed on the Internet.

See you on the shiny side up tomorrow.

MDA’s Ride For Life

By Ron Cox


The Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) in concert with the Florida Harley-Davidson Dealers Association (FHDDA) hosted its Inaugural “Ride for Life” on Saturday, May 2nd in Ft. Myers.

According to MDA’s Executive Director Erin Randall Ride For Life (RFL) has been operating successfully in Pennsylvania for 28 years. When H-D Corporate suggested it be tried in Florida, Six Bends H-D stepped up and offered its new 16.5 acre property to hold the event. HOG Chapter riders and others came from all over the state. Chapter rockers seen included Miami, Naples, Sarasota, Jacksonville, St. Augustine and Brandon. In total more than 500 riders and passengers participated, raising $54,221 for MDA. SWFL HOG Chapter member Fred O’Hara won the raffle for a 2015 H-D Street Glide Special. Arian Hidalgo from Miami won the $1,000 first prize for “Best Bagger.”

Top Rocker Field served as the central venue including registration, food and refreshment stands, vendor booths, the silent auction tent, best bagger judging and the main stage. The band Live Wire kept things rockin’ most of the afternoon until the “tough enuff” Fabulous Thunderbirds took the stage and closed the day’s activities.

MDA is the world’s largest nonprofit health agency dedicated to finding treatments and cures for muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and other neuromuscular diseases.

HDDA is comprised of 33 authorized dealerships in Florida.

All the money raised by Ride for Life Florida stays in Florida to help local individuals and their families living with any of the 43 different muscle diseases, including ALS, that are covered under MDA’s program.

Given the success of this event, look for the 2nd Annual Ride For Life to benefit MDA sometime next year.