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Hot Night At Rudy’s

By Lulu


Whether they are catching the bar on fire or lighting up a big birthday cake…it is always a heated up party at Rudy’s Crossroads in Deland. My girlfriend definitely thought it was a hot night when the lead singer decided to lap dance her pretty self!!! Known for great wings and flaming hot bartenders this place has bike night on Wednesdays, steak nights on Friday and Saturdays and live music Wed-Saturday with open jam on Sundays. A nice ride out for a great time tell them Thunder Roads sent you!

Bulls Eye March 2015

Bull's Eye header

By Deborah Speicher

Christine Caraway

This month’s lady Bull’s Eye started riding her own motorcycle about five years ago. In the last three years, she rode to Milwaukee, Maine and California for a total of 12,990 miles. Sounds almost ordinary for a lot of riders but there is nothing ordinary about Christine Caraway as she has Multiple Sclerosis. Diagnosed in 2009 with this dreaded and incurable disease, Christine decided that she wasn’t going to let MS keep her from living life on her terms. According to Christine, “MS has presented its challenges, including physically taking me a little longer to get where I’m going. I’m determined to not let it stop me from doing the things I love to do!”

When not riding cross-country, Christine also rides to support many other local causes and charities, and rides with her fiancé “Hunka” and the Old Town HOG Chapter. She is the Senior Vice-President of a local bank, and a mother to an active and brilliant 4th grader!

In 2012, Christine started fundraising for MS and for every dollar she earned each year, she rode a mile. Thus, the long distance annual rides started. This year she is the Walk MS Ambassador. You can come out and walk with her on March 28 at Al Lopez Park (Tampa); registration starts at 8am and the walk begins 9am. You can also donate to Christine at:

Make a donation and let’s send Christine to parts unknown on her motorcycle this year!

Biking Steel’s Daytona Business: Wholesale Motorcycles

By Billy “Kneecap” Braddock

Steeles Bikes

Larry Steele is a perfect example of an American entrepreneur. Despite what some politicians say he did “Build That”. After taking considerable initiative and risk, he was able to organize and manage a successful enterprise. 35 years ago Larry started building custom bikes. Then after 20 years of running successful Harley-Davidson dealerships, he decided like Frank Sinatra used to sing to “do it his way”.

Steeles’ is not only a mom-and-pop business, but involves the whole family.

Larry Steele is the owner and founder, and his wife Christie is general manager who runs the day-to-day business operations, his children Baylee is marketing director and Parker is business executive. Talk about “All in the Family”.

Today Steeles’ sells motorcycles at wholesale prices that normally only dealers pay. They sell used Harley-Davidsons, Hondas, Suzukis, Kawasakis, Yamahas, and custom motorcycles all around the country. He sells 40 to 60 motorcycles a month and has plans of expanding in the future. Go meet the Steele family and have a heartwarming friendly experience and while you’re there buy a motorcycle for an unbelievably low price.

Under The Big Top Fun Run For Dawn Sullivan

By Lulu


Circus Bar Two was the sign up and end spot for the poker run for Dawn Sullivan. Dawn had had multiple medical problems and she is well known in the biker community so lots of bikes showed up. This run was free and included free breakfast at Circus Bar Two. After hitting the other stops which included Iron Horse Saloon in Ormond Beach for the superb Bloody Marys, Scary Mary’s in Bunnell where some parking lot games created some memories, the new Beach Front Grille in Flagler Beach with a beautiful ocean view we rode back to Circus Bar Two for a dinner, 50/50 and silent auction. All the money raised was donated to Dawn to help with her medical needs. It was another day of great people riding for a great cause. A special thanks to Budweiser, Twisted Tea, Coors Lite and Miller Lite for their help.

Daytona Hog Celebrates

By Lulu

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Each Harley-Davidson dealership has their local HOG group and Destination Daytona on US 1 and I 95 in Ormond Beach invited us to attend their Christmas celebration. It was a beautiful sit down dinner with entertainment which included a dance by Santa’s helpers (some of the Lady Hogs). For those who ride Harleys if you haven’t considered joining a HOG family you really don’t know what you are missing. You get to know other great people who ride…and I mean ride…not bar hop. They socialize and do wonderful things for all kinds of charity. You must be a National HOG member and then pay local dues of $20 or $15 if you are active military. The Daytona HOGs have done a lot for Camp Boggy Creek and I personally have visited the camp and know what it means to the children and their families. Thank you for our invite to your Christmas celebration and for the opportunity to meet such wonderful people who all share the love of their club motto “To ride and have fun”!

First Turn’s Big D’s Xmas Story

By Lulu

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One of my favorite events each year is Santa’s arrival at First Turn Steakhouse and Lounge in Port Orange. Big D throws his big Christmas charity event and Santa arrives just in the “Nick” of time to be certain children that would probably do without get gifts for under their tree. This year artist X treated the children to his spectacular art show which culminated in Santa and a child pouring quarts of paint in his waist length hair and then he sprayed the canvas with his long strands. He painted the children’s faces making them into “Christmas soldiers”!!! Then the kids each get a chance to sit with Santa! Each year some child says something so sweet it breaks your heart and this year some adorable little girl told Santa she wanted a cure for cancer for Christmas! Blessings to all who help put this event on and particularly to all who donate the toys for this each year!

Memorial Ride For Pete Isaac

By Lulu

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A recent run in the memory of Pete Isaac started at the Bunnell AMVETS 113. The proceeds raised that day went to Westside Baptist Kids for Christ for their school bus needs. Other stops included VFW Post 2391, AMVETS Post 45, the Iron Boot, Three Fingers Charlie’s and then back to the AMVETS in Bunnell for a wonderful spread of delicious food and music by Walt from Those Guys. Thanks Don for sharing your backseat and thanks to all who rode in Pete’s memory!!!

Nobodies Opinion February 2015


By Billy “Kneecap” Braddock

February is the month of love. This year instead of giving flowers, candy, or jewelry give someone a life. “Your life”! If you are a cigarette smoker you are taking away from your loved ones the presence of your life. Let me explain my opinion. I’m not one that runs around screaming down with smoking. As a matter of fact, I disagreed with the law that takes away the right of a business owner to run his business like he wants. I hated it when they said that businesses that serve more than 10% food have to ban smoking. I’m sorry Mr. Obama that small business owner did “build that” and should be allowed to run his business in a way he feels fit. A smoking section in a restaurant was like having a peeing section in a swimming pool.

The reason I’m discussing this is that in December just before Christmas I lost my stepmother that I dearly loved. This awakened a lot of memories. January 11, 1964 the United States Surgeon General announced that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer. By that time, I’d already been smoking for eight years. I wasn’t just a normal smoker. I smoked anywhere from 3 to 4 packs a day. I inhaled so hard that smoke came out of my big toenail. When I farted there would be smoke rings and I think those stains on my shorts were from nicotine. Cigarette companies even offered coupons that you could turn in for luxury items. If you could collect 10,000 coupons you could get an Iron Lung. All this did not dissuade me or anybody in my family from smoking. My grandfather died of heart failure brought on from smoking, my father died of throat cancer. My wake-up day came after 48 years of smoking when I woke up one morning couldn’t breathe and coughed myself until I almost blacked out. I went to the doctor who told me I had diminishing lung capacity and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). I’m not asking for sympathy I’m just explaining a point that this all could have been avoided. All statistics in the world will not get you to quit smoking. That has to come from you. All the helpers, medications, patches, and gums will not help until you get your mindset that you’re going to quit.

Cigarette smoking has been identified as the most important source of preventable mortality and premature mortality worldwide. Smoking-related diseases claim an estimated 433,000 American lives each year. Smokers die significantly earlier than non-smokers 13.2 years for men and 14.5 years for women. If you don’t care about your own life, think about the lives of the people around you. The ones who love you. The ones that will have to care for you when you no longer are able to care for yourself. The son or daughter who will not see their daddy or mommy at their wedding or at the birth of the grandchild. If you decide to commit suicide, don’t do it with cigarettes, it takes much too long.

They tell me that if you’re really afraid of spiders one will show up in your bedroom. I’m very afraid of Carrie Underwood.

Read more on my website

See you on the shiny side up tomorrow…

Main Street Station Party

By Lulu

MStStationMain Street Station has been known for their $1 beer bike night on Wednesday evenings, but during the holidays they decked the halls a bit and had a great crowd in spite of some cold temps. A charity event was hosted that evening and toys were collected by x that benefited X. One of my favorite musicians rocked the house…I will follow Brad Sayre just about anywhere!!!

White Eagle Golf For Charity

By Lulu

WEgolfEvery year Howie, owner of the White Eagle, and his crew put on a charity event that puts some great golfers out on the course with some great people that should probably stay home. A good time is had by all, money that is always appreciated by the charity is raised and other than a few deeper than normal divots the course remains somewhat unscathed!!! This year the monies raised went to the Children’s Home Society and Feed Flagler.

I had the pleasure of golfing with David Sweat a well known celebrity in the biker community for his expertise in representing motorcycle accident victims…he is certainly awesome in the courtroom, but he needs help driving a golf cart as we ended up stuck in the mud! Look for this event next fall…it is a best ball scramble so your level of ability on a golf course is judged more by the amount of Bloody Mary’s you can consume!!! It is a lot of fun and always for a good cause!

Grand Opening Beach Front Grille

By Lulu

BFgrilleA new kid is on the block!!! And doing one heck of a job filling up a beach front neighborhood bar everyday! The food includes great burgers, pizza, homemade soups wraps, wings and deli sandwiches. The bar has been remodeled to include a large bar that faces the ocean with one hell of a view. Lots of large screen TVs makes it the perfect place for NASCAR or sports watching! An outside deck with tables and umbrellas gives you a place for outside drinking or dining.

Happy hour is 3-6 pm weekdays and $2 beer beach side is a great deal. During the grand opening everyone was dancing the night away to Capt. Nick. There was standing room only and I think the owners are thrilled that their new enterprise is so well received by the locals. The owners, Jaime and Butch, seem to really enjoy meeting everyone and Butch rides so this will be a biker friendly place!!

I am tending bar for my friends here on Mondays 11a-6p so come say hello your next ride down A1A. It is south of Flagler Pier and north of the Flagler Beach water tower on A1A, a really great ride on two wheels!!

Run For Big Earl

By “Kneecap”

BigEarlRunIn typical Biker generosity when the community heard that a friend needed money to ensure he could have a liver transplant, they stepped up. Anybody who knew Big Earl knew that he got his name not for his size but for his big smile and pleasant attitude. He was always one that would give to anybody a nice word or a helping hand.

When the bikers learned that he needed money for unending medical bills they stepped up to the plate. When asked if they would help they said “Hell Yeah” and organized a poker run. The run started at the White Eagle Lounge went to Scary Mary’s, the Circus 2, The Beaver Bar, Annie Oakley’s, and ended back in the White Eagle that had a huge barbecue and entertainment by Big Engine.

There was a Chinese auction, raffles, 50-50, and the biggest basket of Cheer I have ever seen. At last count I understand that they collected $3750. Bikers never stop amazing me with their generosity and their loyalty to the community.

For cards, letters, donations…etc the address is: Earl Jeffries c/o Gabriel House of Care 4599 Worrall Way, Room #113 Jacksonville, FL 32224

Gator Harley Rocks For 2015

By Lulu

GatorH2015A sunny day was perfect for the Rock in 2015 event at Gator Harley-Davidson in Leesburg. This year the Bobby Friss band was the great entertainment that we were treated to. Each year the folks at Gator treat those who ride in to a great day of music and vendors to start off the New Year!!

December At The Beaver Bar

By “Kneecap”

BeaverbardecThe Beaver Bar was definitely the place to be in December. Normally, the Beaver Bar located in Ormond Beach has a fun filled week. Starting with Sunday all-you-can-eat $5 buffet breakfast. Monday brings in a $.35 wing night. Tuesday is free pool all day. Wednesday beer Pong with $1 specials. Then 1-2-3 Thursday with $1 tacos/ $2 Coronas/$3 BVR-Ritas.

I guess the owner Leslye Beaver decided that all that wasn’t enough fun for the holiday season, so she scheduled a bunch of parties for the month. On the 20th there was the ugly sweater Christmas party. On the 24th we had Granny’s 65th birthday party. On the 27th there was a benefit for 20 month old “Lana” who is fighting childhood cancer. On the 28th it was a great stop for Big Earl’s poker run. They ended the month with a New Year’s Eve party. I can’t figure out how they put so much fun in one month, but then again I’m a regular customer mainly because of all the smiling faces and laughter. Visit them soon and I’m sure you understand what I’m talking about.

Calendar of National Biker Events From February 2015 – November 2015





MARCH 6-15


JUNE 13-21