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Toys In The Sun Run

By Eric Darrow

SunRunA little back ground music please…

This is the largest toy run in the world and it is for the benefit of The Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. with toys and cash of nearly 25 million dollars from a one day event. The ride involves 250 police officers including one in a Lamborghini, four helicopters, 5 or 6 ladder trucks, 26 miles of clear no traffic highway, 30 thousand bikes and fans of the ride line the streets and the highways for 3 and a half hours. The first bike out was at half past nine. Last bike in was supposed to be around 12:30 pm but they were still rolling in at 2 pm.

The volunteer police shut down highways 95 and 595 allowing bikes to cruise at 90 mph with police as an escort. Unlike most escorted rides the majority of police sat on the side of the road so again there was no traffic to contend with and you could open it up as you liked.

Upon arrival at Markham Park you really had a great appreciation as to how many bike were involved as all you could see was a sea of machines. Entering the gate there were 4 tractor trailers to haul the toys, three of them had been loaded and gone before 5 pm.

The place was packed with three separate areas for food, libations and entertainment which didn’t stop. Headliners included the Blues Brothers, Brian Howe from Bad Company (dang he likes to hear himself talk) and CHARLIE DANIELS who rocks like he did when I first saw him in 78.

The weather was beautiful, Warm and Sunny.

You can see the lines of bikes in this area swell from two lines, each a half mile long to over twelve rows and that is just in staging area 3.
I would describe the final stop as Daytona’s Main Street on steroids!

The 2014 AIM Expo

By Deborah Speicher

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It was billed as “The Show That Changed The Powersports Industry” and it certainly earned bragging rights! Running the same four days as Biketoberfest (October 16-19), I decided to spend two days at the Orange County Convention Center before heading to Daytona Beach for my requisite t-shirt and turkey leg.

There were 501 vendors which featured most of the major motorcycle manufacturers as well as many upstarts, along with apparel, accessories and just about anything related to the power sports industry. There weren’t just demo rides – there were on and off road demo rides! With 864,444 square feet of vendors, it was like being a kid in the candy store. What is trending? Electric motorcycles, scooters and all things vintage (real or made to look old!).

The vendors alone could have kept me busy but I also took time to attend some of the AMA events which were simultaneously being presented at the Orange County Convention Center. Great speakers/presenters were brought in on that Friday and ended that evening with the AMA inducting industry greats into their Hall of Fame. The highlight of the evening was William G. Davidson (a/k/a Willie G) being honored as an AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame Legend. Willie G is an icon in the world of Harley-Davidson enthusiasts but also recognized worldwide as a major contributor to contemporary motorcycle styling. I also got to meet actor/motorcyclist/AMA Board Member Perry King. Perry attended the AMA luncheon and was then the Master of Ceremonies for the induction ceremony.

The AIM Expo will be back October 15-18, 2015 and I highly recommend you make your way over to Orlando for this not to be missed event!

Nobodies Opinion January 2015


By Billy “Kneecap” Braddock

Christmas should be a time of joyous celebration and remembering the reason we have Christmas. I hear there are some that would like to take the Christ out of Christmas. If that was the case there would be no Christmas because we celebrate the birth of Christ. If there was no Christ why do we base our calendar on his birth? I’m not going to get into a discussion of religion at this time. I want to address a more serious problem, my belief in Santa Claus. I’d like to tell you a little story about how I was brought up in the great traditions my home had at Christmas. I’m sure we all have stories about our Christmas as a child. The one I’m going to tell you now, is one I’d love to relate because this instilled in me the permanent believe in Santa Claus. Our family never put up our Christmas tree until the children went to bed. That’s when the tree would come out, get decorated and the presents were placed underneath. After the adults had recovered they would come and awaken the children and proclaim Santa had been there and had left his goodies. The excitement was unbearable. I would run as fast as I could to the tree and start ripping the decorative paper off my gifts. Even though I had to pee badly, I wouldn’t stop until all the gifts were unwrapped. After breakfast we would get dressed and go to church to thank God and Santa Claus for all that had been blessed upon us. To me Santa Claus was as real as anybody else in my family. However, when I started school there was this wise ass kid who told me “there is no Santa Claus“. I was devastated. When I got home, with tears in my eyes, I told my folks. They assured me there was a Santa Claus and because Christmas was only days away it would be proven to me. On Christmas Eve, I did as I was expected, and went to bed early and fell asleep dreaming of all the presents that Santa Claus would bring me. Then in the dead of the night by mother came in my bedroom yelling at the top of her voice “Billy, Billy, hurry get up grandpa has caught Santa Claus”. I ran as fast as I could with the fog of sleep still in my eyes to the room to where the Christmas tree was located. There stood my grandfather with a large piece of red felt in his hand. He looked at me and said “Billy, I had him but he was too strong. With the help of his reindeers he pulled away and this is all I could get, but at least now you know, Santa Claus is real”. When I returned to school, I beat up the wise ass for lying to me.

To this day “I still believe in Santa Claus”, because I know my grandfather would never lie to me.

There is a big difference between Santa Claus and myself. He stopped with three hoes.

There’s an update to this story go to my website for what Paul Harvey used to say “for the rest of the story”.

See you on the shiny side of tomorrow.

Cops & Kids Toy Run at Harley-Davidson of Panama City Beach

By Marta Rosa

CopToyRunOn November 30, 2014 over 200 bikes gathered at Harley-Davidson of Panama City Beach for the 20th Annual Cops ‘n Kids Toy Run.  Bikers brought unwrapped toys and games to the ride’s ending destination, Wicked Wheel.  The toys were delivered to families shortly before Christmas.

Poker Run For “The Sound Man”

By Lulu

soundmanrunEarly December there was a run held for Bobby, a.k.a. “The Sound Man”. Unlike the guys in a band that are known for their music, voice or overall stage presence…a sound guy is generally behind the scene. Somehow though Bobby developed a group of people that love and respect him…and knew he could use “a little help from his friends”! He has battled cancer and the run they help was named “Fuuk” Cancer Run. Pardon the language but I think all of us can identify with the feeling behind it.

Often more important than money raised…the thought that friends old, new and often some that don’t even know the person the run is for…take their time and money out of their pocket to show moral and financial support when you need it!!!
Particularly at Christmas.

Thanks to the bars that participated: Mark’s Sports Pub, Roadside Tavern, Iron Horse Saloon, Dirty Harry’s, Chris’ Lounge and First Turn. And a special thank you to Mick for my ride!! And to all of you fabulous riders that showed up!!

9th Annual Family Rene Run

By “Kneecap”

Family RenewFamily Renew Community unites people from diverse backgrounds and circumstances to alleviate homelessness among families with children in Volusia County Florida. On December 7, which most of us know as Pearl Harbor Day, the Ormond Beach Moose sponsored a poker run to help Family Renew. It started out in one of the most beautiful Moose lodges I have ever been in. The donation included a great breakfast and ended with a free BBQ at Dirty Harry’s in Daytona. In between The run stopped at the Beaver Bar, Bull Creek Fish Camp, Iron Horse Saloon, Circus11, and Main Street Station. Even though the day was a little blistery, they had a great turnout. Goes to show you when a community comes together what it can do. I’m looking forward to the 10th Annual Family Renew run next year.

Six Bends Harley-Davidson Opens In Ft. Myers

By Ron Cox

SixBendsHarleyFt. Myers Harley-Davidson, long a fixture on Colonial Blvd., in central Ft. Myers in Lee County has relocated to a brand new 54,000 square foot building on a 16.5 acre property in South Ft. Myers and renamed it Six Bends Harley-Davidson. The term “six bends” refers to the six-bend handlebars that were made popular in the 1970’s.

The new dealership is located on the southeast corner of Daniels Parkway just off I-75. In addition to the dealership there is an on-site two-acre Riding Academy and test ride track and its own entertainment venue called Top Rocker Field, which will be able to hold up to 5,000 people. Furthermore, there’s a 20,000 square foot gathering space called The Plaza and a separate fire pit area known as The Pit, where people can relax or meet friends.

On the horizon in Phase two, is 35,000 square feet of mixed-use commercial space in two additional on site buildings, scheduled to open in
the summer of 2015.

Six Bends has been deeply involved in community affairs and is a major sponsor in the annual Bikers For Babies event benefitting the March of Dimes. Kicking off the event on November 14th was recording star Bret Michaels who “christened” Top Rocker Field.

So, if you’re in the area and need to service your bike in one of the 17 service bays or just want to add a new T-shirt to the collection, swing into Six Bends Harley-Davidson.

Dog Pound’s Survival Party

By Lulu

SurvivalPartyThe last event I have on my must do list for Biketoberfest is always the Survivor Party at the Dog Pound Saloon on 100 in Bunnell. The food, friends, music and just relaxed atmosphere on the front and back porches make this a great place to chill! See their ad in Thunder Roads each month to check out their daily happenings and special events!

Giving Back

By Rich Malfitano

GivingBackGiving is something you do without the expectation of receiving something in return. It seems the more you do for others the more you want to do. We know that when you give; those you touch are very appreciative and that seems to be a good enough reason to continue giving and helping others. Sometimes kindness and generosity goes way beyond the practice of good citizenship. I want to share with you two stories of Giving. On November 6th 2014, Rolling Thunder Florida Chapter 8, certifying officials for the Presidents Volunteer Service Award under the authority of the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation, presented awards to: Jessica Eckelbarger and the law firm of Rue, Ziffra and Caldwell.

Jessica, a 2005 graduate of Palm Beach Atlantic University, earned her degree in Business Marketing. She enjoys serving our community and is truly dedicated to helping others. Jessica served in the Junior League of Daytona Beach from 2012-2014 and served as the chairperson for the board with the Children’s Home Society. She volunteers her personal time supporting and organizing many local charity events including those events sponsored by Rue, Ziffra and Caldwell. Jessica was awarded the Presidents Volunteer Service Award (Silver Level) for Service to Community and Nation.

Mr. John Rue has built a highly respected law firm here in Volusia County. In his more than three decades in practice, he always made sure to give back to the community. Now Rue, Ziffra & Caldwell – John Rue, Alan Ziffra and Thomas Caldwell continue to extend that generosity and spirit of giving. Whether it’s the Veterans Farm, Mardi Gras – Fat Tuesday, Relay for Life, Port Orange Family Days, Kids in the Kitchen, Puttin on the Ritz, Gratitude America, Golf for the Kids, Jazz festivals, Red Hat Luncheons, Rides for the kids, fishing tournaments, supporting the veterans Stand-Downs, and the Veterans Assistance Collation, RT Fl-8 and the list goes on and on. They have sponsored over 50 fundraising events between 2013 and 2014. R, Z & C and their team (staff) are always there, wherever and whenever the need. For their 30 years plus of giving, to Community and nation, Rue, Ziffra & Caldwell was awarded the Presidents Volunteer “Group” Service Award (Lifetime Achievement level).

It is with the deepest respect that we congratulate Jessica and Rue, Ziffra and Caldwell and their staff for all they do for others within and beyond our community.

Gator Harley Puts Fun In Fashion

By Lulu

GatorHFashionGator Harley-Davidson throws a Christmas Fashion Show each year and I love to go to this event. Along with beer, wine and fabulous food, they pack this event with FUN!

We were treated to a comedienne, Lou Angelwolf, a DJ spinning tunes for the models to strut too, door prizes and a man in a skimpy patriotic pair of panties!!! Of course they also play Santa by marking down all sorts of stuff for your Christmas list!

Biketoberfest 2014 Willie’s Chopper Time

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By Lulu

Everyone who knows me has to listen to me say my favorite event each Biketoberfest and Bike Week is Chopper Time on US 1 at Tropical Tattoo. What started as a bunch of guys with really cool bikes heading out of Willie’s for a day of riding has evolved into one the coolest bike events in any state. Always a great place for photos with tatted men and women…and awesome unique bikes created by artists with a passion for metal and motors!!! Never know what famous or infamous characters you may happen upon at this event. This year I saw famous photographer Michael Lichter doing what he does best! Make sure if you haven’t attended this event in the past that you put it on your list for Bike Week 2015 it is always the last Thursday afternoon! And a special thanks to Twisted Tea for being a sponsor of such a great event!!!

Biketoberfest 2014 Destination Daytona

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Biketoberfest 2014 White Eagle Bikini Contest

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By Lulu

The White Eagle Lounge in Korona always has a flock of hot Eaglets fly into their nest for their bikini contest. During Biketoberfest Kim asked me to try my hand at emceeing once again and we had 6 beautiful girls on stage! Twisted Tea was in the house and a special thank you has to go out to La Mesa RV in Sanford for providing an amazing RV for the girls to change in! Make sure you put their bikini contest on your list of things not to miss during Bike Week 2015!!

Nobodies Opinion December 2014


By Billy “Kneecap” Braddock

Warning! You are entering a Red Neck column. You may encounter American flags, preference to the Second Amendment, the Lord’s Prayer and a country attitude. Read at your own risk December is a great month. Although, I’m not real fond of the cold, it’s nice to have a change of seasons. Normally, I usually like to write something humorous because it’s such a happy month. However, lately all I hear about is a “War on Christmas”. Why would anybody want to declare war on one of the happiest holidays of the year? Don’t we have enough wars? A “War on Women”, “War on Poverty” and “War on Drugs” and none of them seem to be very successful. It’s not necessary to believe in it to celebrate the birth of Christ. According to historian, Ronald Hutton, the current state of observance of Christmas is largely the result of a mid-Victorian revival of the holiday, spearheaded by Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol”. Dickens sought to construct Christmas as a family centered festival of generosity in contrast to the community-based and church centered observations, the observance of which had dwindled during the late 18th and 19th centuries. Modern celebrations of Christmas include more commercial activity compared to the more religious celebrations of the past. Historian, Stephen Nissenbaum, contends that the modern celebration in the United States was developed in New York State from the defunct and imagined Dutch and English traditions in order to refocus the holiday from one where groups of young men went from house to house demanding alcohol and food, into one centered on the happiness of children. He noticed that there was deliberate effort to prevent the children from becoming greedy in response. Christmas was not proclaimed a holiday by United States Congress until 1870.

Once again this holiday season and the right to celebrate Christmas are under attack. Even some Christian faiths reject the holiday for theological reasons. I’m always amazed by the amount of money atheists spend on signs and ads to ensure us that the holiday season is not about the birth of Christ. They tell us that it’s all about the winter solstice. Which is fine. We still have gift giving parties and show our generosity and our faith not only in God but in each other. Still, no matter how you look at it the Christian message remains, but I still don’t understand why these people would spend all this money to dissuade me from enjoying my faith. Christmas Day December 25th whether or not it is the real birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated by 95% of Americans. 65% consider it a very religious time. And 33% of the world also celebrates this day. I’m not real good at political correctness but I still walk around saying “Merry Christmas” not happy holidays and I don’t have a holiday tree I have a “Christmas tree”. I’m not much into organized religion, but I still believe that Christmas is about God, family and friends.

Christmas is a time of year, to where you should realize that you don’t need God as much as he needs you.

I used to refer to the days gone past as the good old days. What if someday we look back and consider these the good old days? And you say we don’t need God’s blessing

I always have more to say in my blog on my website

See you on the shiny side of tomorrow…

Biketoberfest 2014 Main Street

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By Lulu

A new event during Biketoberfest was on Sunday afternoon sponsored by Twisted Tea at Main Street Station. Main Street Station is known for their Wednesday night bike nights in Daytona complete with great music and cheap beer! But on Sunday it was hot bodies not beer that the folks were interested in. I believe this is going to be a regular event during Bike Week and Biketoberfest so keep your eyes peeled for their upcoming dates.