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Dania Beach Vintage Bike Show

By Lulu


One of my favorite events is always in January, first off it is usually a tad warmer the farther south we travel and this year was no exception. We were in a severe cold snap in Daytona so it was nice to warm our bones in sunny, warm south Florida. Secondly, this is a huge event with antique motorcycles, bicycles, live music, swap meet, vendors, field games and just great folk. This yearly event occurs in Frost Park in Dania Beach and is put on by Dania Beach and the Florida Sunshine Chapter of A.M.C.A. Put this on your event list for 2015!

Bulls Eye Mar 2014

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By Lil Jon

Still Riding After 30 Years in Prison

RoadBlockThis month’s Bull’s Eye is about a native Florida biker named RoadBlock, with over forty years of riding under his belt.

As a Jacksonville resident, RoadBlock grew up in a neighborhood known as Sin City. An admitted “adrenaline junkie” in his early years, he raced on NASCAR-sanctioned tracks in the south with many of the great drivers from that era. Fast cars led to fast motorcycles, and RoadBlock joined a 1%er motorcycle club during the high-speed 1970s world of sex, drugs and rock and roll.

When that lifestyle caught up with him, he wound up with a staggering 40- year sentence in federal prison. As one judge declared, they wanted to make an example of him to discourage others from joining motorcycle clubs. Ironically, even from a cell inside Leavenworth U.S. Penitentiary, RB became well known as an outspoken advocate for disabled vets and motorcycle riders and the rights they were due.

In December 2009, RB finally reached his mandatory release date, and was allowed to go home after almost 30 years in prison. How does someone with that kind of history fit back in the real world? Some people would just chill out and watch the tomatoes grow. Instead, RB is writing a fiction biker series. Set in the 1970s, the books follow the adventures of military vet Joe Wilson. Struggling with PTSD in a time when Vietnam vets were reviled, Joe’s rise to power in the notorious Regents Motorcycle Club shows one man’s attempt to find his place in a changed world.

As for RB, he stays busy with interviews, book-signings for the Regents Motorcycle Club series, and charitable events, and of course, riding his Harley.The good news for all those old cops and hippies and bikers who remember a rowdy Florida long gone: RoadBlock is already working on the next book. As he often encourages, join him for the ride back into the 1970s.

SWFL Hog Remembers One Of Its Own

By Ron Cox


SWFL HOG held its 7th Annual Wayne Throckmorton Memorial Golf Outing in honor of fallen Chapter member Wayne Throckmorton on Sunday, February 2nd at Castle Golf in South Ft.Myers.

Several years ago Wayne was returning home from a ride with a friend when he suffered some kind of seizure. Wayne crashed his motorcycle and never regained consciousness, a few days later he succumbed to his injuries. Neither speed nor another vehicle was involved.

Wayne was the quintessential “good ol’ boy” with his pronounced Southern accent, wit and wisdom. We used to tease him by saying the Veteran’s Administration doesn’t count service in the Confederate Air Force towards Veteran’s benefits. Wayne never failed to laugh at that, no matter how many times he heard it. Wayne was quick to laugh at a joke or his self.

Wayne always enjoyed the mini-golf outing so in his honor the Chapter named the event after him.

More than 50 Chapter members and guests took to the links and played a round for Wayne. The hackers then proceeded to the biker friendly Bayside Sports Bar & Grill in Ft.Myers Beach for lunch. The Chapter members hoisted a glass in memory of our friend Wayne Throckmorton.

Poker Run For Randy

By Amy Poole


Friends and family of Randi’s went all out for her poker run because of the motorcycle accident she was in. About 80 riders signed up at the Beaver Bar during the AYCE breakfast. The monies raised that day from the Beaver breakfast was $400.00 and donated to Randi…and on top of that they included an extra $100.00 for Randi!! Taking a path to Boot Hill, Roadside Tavern, Chris’ Lounge and ending at the Iron Horse for raffles, prizes, music by Crashrocket and many more of Randi’s pals. Roughly $2600.00 was raised for the day. Randi and her friends say a BIG thank you to all who contributed!!

Farewell, My Friends

Jeff Simick (Daytona HOG)


I want to reassure you that Mike and Sandi Gilbo’s final few hours on this planet were filled with laughter, joy, pride and fellowship.

That’s not speculation. That’s fact.

I know that because I sat across from Mike and Sandi as we enjoyed a sunny afternoon on a picnic bench outside at The Yalaha Bakery after a 100 mile country ride that punctuated what should have been a perfect winter’s day.


Until it wasn’t.

For most of the day, I was following Mike and Sandi, who were proud new owners of a Rushmore edition Ultra Limited. Almost as if it were a new member of their family, they were beaming over the bike that replaced their well used 2011, upon which they shared more than 70,000 miles of riding – mostly together.

At the Bakery, the group splintered off – some gathered inside, some outside. I settled at a table across from Sandi and Mike. We laughed about wheeling and dealing – they for the new motorcycle, while I shared the adventure of swimming with sharks during a recent automobile purchase.

Sandi and I talked about real estate, and her growing business as the market continued to rebound.
I will savor the small talk – the chatter that I didn’t appreciate would be my last with Sandi and the beloved she called “my Mike.”

Mike told me about the classes and YouTube videos that were so helpful in learning the intricacies of the new entertainment system on the Ultra. He cheered on his success in finally pairing his phone. The beauty of the integrated garage door opener – something he called “the best $125 he ever spent on the Harley.” We laughed aloud when I noted, with more than a touch of dripping sarcasm that “It’s odd about Harley owners – we are actually surprised when the bikes do what they’re supposed to do.”

Sandi was still tending to her sandwich, when Mike volunteered to pop back into the bakery to secure the cookies that they would be tucking away for later. They were veterans of the Yalaha and were clearly thrilled with their return visit. Mike consulted with Sandi at least twice, saying with a grin that when it comes to cookies he’s “always afraid that he’s choosing the wrong ones”.

As Mike and Sandi were finishing their desserts, I noticed that there were only a couple of bikes still at the Bakery — most of our colleagues had already headed back. Mike and I turned our focus to compare our respective routes home. Mike and Sandi were heading north…Tony Ricci and I would take a ride that was more easterly – and I joked to Mike that “I don’t know specifically how we’re going – I’m just following Tony.”

I shook Mike’s hand and, as we have done countless times before, we wished each other a safe ride home.

Minutes later the music that was being beamed into my helmet speakers from my cell phone was interrupted by an unexpected call. It was a phone call with some terrible, unbelievable – absolutely horrific – news. It was apparent that only one of us would make it home on this otherwise perfect afternoon.

Mike loved his time with Sandi. And they savored togetherness on the Harley.
The events that unfolded on this Saturday afternoon are sadly, almost romantically, ironic.

We can’t explain.

We can’t understand.

We can only celebrate lives lived with fervor and freely shared with all of us. And I will hold dearly those moments of laughter, joy and pride – a handshake and a smile.

Farewell, my friends. You loved together. You rode together. And you remain together. Forever, together.

And if it’s not asking too much… about our friend Bod, who died late last year in a motorcycling accident in his native Norway… please let him know that we all said “hello.”

A tribute can be viewed at:–sandi-gilbo.html

Stormy Hill Harley Davidson Diced it Up For Animals

By Lulu


Great day, great band and great cause…that’s how I would have to sum up February 1st at Stormy Hill H-D. The Dice Run raised approximately $1800 with lots of food, beautiful blankets and towels all to help our furry friends. May have even been an animal or two that went home as someone’s pet that day!! Radical Randy was on hand to emcee and if you haven’t checked out the Lost N Found Band…you should, they rock the place. Thanks to Attorney Fran Haasch, Wells Fargo Bank, Budweiser, Sweet Ride Premium Wine, PETCO, Crimeline, Florida Auctioneer Academy, Scates Realty, Frank’s Place-The Pavilion, Niagara Bottling, Hurricane’s Dockside Grill, Clermont Bicycles, Hogswipe Waterless Detail Products, Buzzard Beach Bar & Grill, Computer Business Consultants, Family Jewelry & Pawn, House of Inc, Greenbrier Afterlife Pet Care, Petslife Oral Care, Big Mike’s House of Ink, Roetzel Law, Florida Safety Council and all the other vendors and especially to those of you who generously gave of your time and money. We love you guys and gals!!!

It’s Not Just A Ride It’s An Adventure

By Phoenix and Metric


I ride with the most UNIQUE group of riders!! Every time we hit the road we have some kind of adventure. Not too long ago, Tank, Phoenix and I decided to take a Sunday afternoon run over to Peggy’s Corral on short notice. We called a few fellow riders and they all had other plans so off we went to Palmetto. Well, by the time we got to Charlotte’s Web, Bulldog and Rogue had decided to change their plans and join us, so we waited for them at Charlotte’s. In no time at all they came rolling along.

We all mounted up and off we went again. Just before we got to I-75 it began to rain and of course there was no real safe place to pull off the road and gear up, so we kept going. By the time we got off the road and out of the rain we were soaked. We decided to gear up anyway because it didn’t look like it was going to stop raining. Off we went again and wouldn’t you know it quit raining!! We live in Florida we should expect the weather to change faster than a speeding Hayabusa. The sun comes out and it gets damn HOT!!! It got so hot that by the time we got to Peggy’s we were drip dried.

Well, we finally got to Peggy’s just about everyone was there. The Evil’s JAIL BAIT Girls were there and they were even hotter than the weather. After spending a great afternoon at Peggy’s we mounted up again and headed home. Then Phoenix decided to act like an old Harley and she got overheated so we had to make another unscheduled pit stop to cool her jets. Then, we were back on the road again and we got back to Charlotte’s, but wait the adventure isn’t over yet. Bulldog rode his bike so-o-o hard that let’s just say there was no tread left to ride on. Bulldog says this is the first time that he had to have his bike trailered, but I have my doubts about that. I told him I wouldn’t put that in the article but I just couldn’t help myself. Anyway we finally get everyone home safe and sound, and that was the end of this adventure. Stay tuned for more exciting adventures. THE END!!!!

Rock Into 2014 At Gator Harley

By Deborah Speicher


What a great way to begin the New Year with a party at Gator Harley-Davidson! Things got rolling at 10am with music by Shaky Puddin’ and, for those who got there early, there were FREE event t-shirts to the first 100 people who showed up. Afterwards, there were games and prizes by DJ Bucky and the beautiful Bella Bella models. We also got some shopping in at the store as well as with the vendors. Early that afternoon, we were treated to one of our favorite bands – BIG ENGINE! Tony, Hans and the guys always put on one heck of a show.

I would also like to personally thank the Gator Harley service staff (Mike and Panhead Mike). On the way up from Tampa, my friend Brian’s bike started breaking down. Luckily, he made it to Gator Harley. They immediately started working on his bike and had it running like a top long before we were ready to head towards home.

Kudos Gator Harley – see you all at the Women’s Day Conference (April 5) if not sooner!

Ride In Bike Show At The Iron Horse

By Amy Poole


January’s Bike Show at the Iron Horse was a bit nippy however 70 warm tailpipes showed up for display to hopefully succeed in victory!! Only 5 bikes had a bit of luck that day…no worries though…you guys come back to the Horse on every 2nd Sunday and try again!! In the course of the day several ladies rode through, Crashrocket shook the crowd to their feet, mingling got accomplished and some got inked! Don’t forget Willie’s Tropical Tattoo at the Iron Horse location is open during the events. The Bike Show is fairly new to being on a Sunday and has really taken flight since!! See ya next time around and if you see any Iron Horse Crew…tell ‘em nice job!!

Nobodies Opinion Feb 2014


By Billy “Kneecap” Braddock

Lately I’ve been hearing a lot about “Youth Misery Index”. I couldn’t figure out why they were so miserable. So I started comparing my youth to the youth of today:


  • I had my first jobs when I was 10 years old. I had a paper route, sold TV Guides, cleaned restrooms at the local service station after school, and worked on farms and horse ranches in the summertime.

  • Today, the government won’t even let you work until you are 16. No wonder youth unemployment rate is 16.1%.

  • Got my own apartment as soon as I got my driver’s license.

  • Today, kids are still living with their parents after graduating college.

  • After I graduated high school I wasn’t unable go to a regular college, I couldn’t afford it. So, I would take courses at community colleges. I would also find out where the college professors would hang out. If they were teaching something I was interested in, I would buy them a couple of drinks and ask them if I could audit their class. Most were very receptive.

  • Today, the average student loan debt is almost $30,000, and they end up with a worthless piece of paper that can’t even provide them with a good paying job.

  • When I went to high school, the pickup I was driving had a gun rack on the back window. In the rack there was a 12 gauge shotgun and a 30/30 Winchester. The glove compartment had a 357 Magnum. I could shoot a squirrel blindfolded, but I always found it hard to blindfold the squirrel.

  • Today, you get suspended for wearing an NRA T-shirt with a picture of a gun on it.

  • When I graduated high school the national debt was $300 billion with each person’s share about $2500.

  • Today, the national debt $17 trillion and each person’s share is $52,948.

  • I grew up with a television (which I ate many a TV dinner in front of) that was the size of a refrigerator, had a black and white 11 inch screen, and 12 channels. It took 10 min. to warm up and another 10 min. playing with the horizontal and vertical hold to get a picture. At midnight the picture changed to a test pattern until 5 AM. When the station came back on it would announce a call sign then play the National Anthem. The party line telephone was on the wall with a handle on the side that you would crank to get the attention of an operator who would get your number for you.

  • Today, I carry a cell phone. It’s a telephone, a TV, a radio, a camera, GPS, a computer, etc. etc. etc… I can contact just about anybody in the world.


After comparing my youth with the youth of today, I think I can realize why the misery index has skyrocketed from 83.5 in 2009 to 98.6 in 2013. Our educational system has indoctrinated them to believe that there is no more opportunity. The government will take care of all your needs.


We had the Greatest Generation, the Baby Boomers, and Generation X, Y, and Z. If we don’t teach our youth that we are a country of “opportunity” that does not favor socialism, we will end up with a “Lost Generation”. We need to teach them that it doesn’t matter if the glass is half empty or half-full, there’s still room for more whiskey.


I never wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed. Who the hell wants to go through life acting like a damn squirrel?


If you’d like to read more of my opinions go to


New Year Brings Old & New Friends To The White Eagle For Big Engine

By Lulu


As we rang out 2013 and rang in 2014, the White Eagle Lounge in Korona celebrated in a BIG way. Their yearly Big Engine “early” NEW Year party was like OLD times with friends and Big Engine fans all hootin’ & hollerin’ and imbibing in a cocktail or two. Kim is back at the helm at the Eagle and they are looking forward to 2014. I hope you will ride in to visit them while in town! This bar is one of the oldest bars in the state and has much history in the biking community. Kim has events scheduled throughout the year so keep up with them on their website!

13th Bikers For Babies Sets All-Time Record

By Ron Cox


Co-sponsored by the Southwest Coast Division of The March of Dimes (MoD) and Harley-Davidson of Ft. Myers, the 13th Annual Bikers for Babies (BFB) set new records for registered riders and money raised. The three day event took place November 15th-17th and more than 2,000 people registered (the most ever) and the MoD received $161,154, most money ever raised.

What started out as a one day event several years ago has mushroomed into a three day event with lots of happenings. Friday night kicked off with the opportunity to pre-register while vendors plied their wares and Unforgiven & Riverside entertained the riders. Saturday afternoon presented another chance to pre-register and check out the car show. Sunday morning registration took place at Collier County Regional Water Park in Naples. Collier and Lee County Sheriff’s Departments did a stellar job in safely moving the double column of motorcycles over the 35 mile course.

Arriving at HDFM, the riders were treated to a pulled pork meal with beans, salad and soft drinks. Backlash entertained all afternoon. After the event was closed, adult beverages became available.

Awards came next with the Lost Riders MC winning most money raised by a club with $14,221, followed by the Ronin Riding Club with $12,791 and SWFL HOG with $8,757. Mary & Steve Robison won the individual(s) raising the most money with $3,677.

The March of Dimes is a national voluntary health agency whose mission is to improve the health of babies through its Prematurity Campaign, and by preventing birth defects and infant mortality. Research funds will be used to find out why 1 in 8 babies are born prematurely in the United States. Founded in 1938, the March of Dimes funds programs of research, community services, education and advocacy to save babies.

Bulls Eye Feb 2014

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By LuLu


Legacies are built over a lifetime of being passionate about something in life. Many never live to find that one thing in life you can be so interested in that you stick with it. That cannot be said about Denise Hilliard and her family. Denise was born in Orlando back before the days of Disney. Her mom and grandparents were in the restaurant business, so she grew up learning the family trade. Denise’s dad moved the family out of Orlando when the Disney boom invaded and transplanted them to Eustis. Upon his death her mom bought The Flame Lounge on International which is now the Brickyard. The list of restaurants and bars that Denise and Rick have been part of opening is a diary of dining in the Daytona/Port Orange area. They have been owners of The Brick Yard, The Fly In Lounge (now Famous Phillies on US1), First Turn that was originally where the Cracker Barrel is by the Speedway, co-owned Cowboys in New Smyrna with baseball legend Davy Johnson, Billy Bob’s, in 1991 they took over the Marker 32 on Ballough and Mason and called it First Turn Too, South Turn on Nova, It’s All Good (a breakfast spot on US 1) and the present First Turn in Port Orange on US 1. Sometimes running more than one at a time and for those of you who have worked in the restaurant industry you know that bars and restaurants generally run your life; they are so time consuming. First Turn is turning 30 this year and its present location is where Denise fell in love with Rick Hilliard whose father owned it when it was known as the Allandale Inn. Rick and Denise both worked for his dad and according to Denise it was love at first sight. They share the passion for their work, their love of NASCAR, motorcycles, fishing, Islamorada and raising a wonderful son, Ricky. What sets First Turn apart is their “customers are like family and truly are concerned about each other”.

As for riding Denise got her endorsement when a friend, Elizabeth, rode up on hers and at 50 she decided to leave the backseat and ride her own. She started on a 1955 Panhead, moved on to a 2009 Deluxe and presently has a 2011 Fatboy Lo. As busy as she stays with work her riding is mostly day trips such as riding to Leesburg or on local poker runs.

On that subject I personally have to tell you that Denise’s heart is golden. She and her son Ricky have done mission work in Harlan, Kentucky building and repairing homes for the needy with South Daytona Christian Church. Their son Ricky aspires to spend his life doing God’s work and is interning as a missionary in California. He inherited that family passion from his mother, just as Denise inherited her love of feeding the masses from her family. Other than the mission work, I have witnessed Denise help individuals in life’s crisis, Children’s Home Society, animal causes such as Pawsibilities Rescue and the Halifax Humane Society, veteran’s, food banks and is also the host for Big D’s Rock the Cradle which provides Christmas for needy families.

This month’s Bull’s Eye is someone I am honored to call my friend and if you are in the Daytona area ride down US 1 to First Turn enjoy their huge remodeled deck, fabulous food and some of the nicest people you will ever break bread with! To celebrate their 30 years in business they are having a party on the 1st Saturdays of each month with live music, a corn hole tournament and February 1st will feature a free fish fry.

Pony Tales Feb 2014

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By Phoenix and Metric

As we move forward into the New Year, I want to take a moment to reflect back on all the great times we had in 2013. The year was filled with a lot of great rides with some great friends to some of the most beautiful places in the whole United States. This year also had a few setbacks, but as a person that sees the glass half full I try hard not to dwell on the negative. However, as a retired military veteran I see how our country and the world around us is being “fundamentally transformed” away from something that our Founding Forefathers, Veterans and every Biker understands and that is our FREEDOM!!! So I ask you as we move into this New Year PLEASE RIDE FOR “FREEDOM”. Wear the American flag, the POW/MIA patch, the Cross pin or any other sign that will signal to the world that you are a proud American and enjoy our FREEDOM!! If you are a Veteran be an Oath Keeper, “to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic”. If you are serving in the armed force, we support you and salute you. If you can serve in the military “do it”, and if you can’t then support those who can. If you can join a veteran’s organization then join and ride with them, if not ride and support them anyway. Ride to support the 9/11 Rally, Rolling Thunder, Wreaths Across America, National POW/MIA day, Veterans Day, Memorial Day and FREEDOM!!! FOR GOD, COUNTRY AND FREEDOM WE RIDE into the 2014 New Year.

Cabbage Patch Car & Bike Show

By “Kneecap”


The Cabbage Patch Bar, on the corner of Pioneer Trail and Tomoka Farms Road, Samsula is probably one of the most well-known biker bars in Central Florida. They’re not only the Home of the “World-Famous” Coleslaw Wrestling, but they also operate as a year-round Tavern that welcomes poker runs and many charity functions. The bar has full liquor, draft beer, and package take out. You can play pool or use their free Wi-Fi.

Ronnie and Roger were not satisfied with just offering daily drink specials, live music Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, ,and a free BBQ and Swap Meet every 3rd and 5th Sunday. So Roger decided to have a Bike and Car Show on the 4th Sunday of every month.

I attended one in November. Even though the weather was terrible. It was cold and windy but because of the Cabbage Patch’s reputation for delivering a good show the turnout was very good.

Roger is always working hard to make the customers stay enjoyable and entertaining. He’s constantly coming up with new ideas. If you run into Ronnie you will notice his welcoming smile and pleasant personality. He probably will tell you his latest joke. Stop by soon and enjoy the friendly bartenders and patrons. I go there often, so you might just run into me, which is not necessarily as pleasurable!