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Pony Tales July 2013

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By Lulu

Most of you read Nobodies Opinion each month written by my friend and ornery ol’ American Billy “Kneecap” Braddock. His rantings get more comments than just about anything between the cover; some positive, some negative. But one thing I have to say whether you are a democrat or republican he does his research and has facts to back what he writes up. This month he gives a concise lecture on our amendments that any American should work to protect. And by work, I mean know who you are voting for and what they stand for: if you believe in the right to own a gun…know who protects that right in our state legislature and on a national platform. If you believe that our constitution is in jeopardy…as I do…know who is fighting to protect it and VOTE! Right now with all the trouble our federal government is having with IRS scandals I think one of the most important scandals isn’t even being discussed yet. Micah and one of his good friends in Palatka both have refund checks that are in the thousands of dollars and they are being told that because someone else filed and they paid them, they aren’t getting their checks anytime soon. Our friend in Palatka hasn’t been paid for last year’s 2011 tax season and he needs that money. It is HIS money but the Government who made the mistake and paid some crook is holding out paying him money rightfully due. People that just doesn’t seem right! Micah’s is this year’s tax season. He filed in January and still hasn’t been paid…just gets letters saying they are investigating what happened…but…no promise of when and if he will ever get paid! If you know of other people having this same problem tell them to call 20/20. I think this is the next thing that needs to be exposed, as when I looked on the internet it said they have paid BILLIONS to false filers! No wonder our country is broke! Spend July 4th honoring our veterans, enjoying your family and don’t forget your sunscreen. Read the rest of this entry »

Gainesville Harley-Davidson’s 12th Annual Hog Roast


HogRoast2013 Well it’s May and the year is flying by, the heat is kicking in, love bugs are out in full force; but none of that stopped the crowd from showing up to the 12th Annual Gainesville Harley-Davidson Hog Roast. The dealership has been in business for 20 years now and plans to be in business for many more. Pulled pork was on the menu. Todd and his crew had their aprons on and their tools in hand whipping up lunch for everyone. On the stairs was the band After Shock. They entertained all day. Vendors in the lot were working overtime shaking hands. The beer tent was pumping beer cup after cup. The party was benefiting children’s cancer. H.O.G chapter handled parking. Budweiser supplied the beer. The next party will probably be in July. You could keep up with what’s happening at the dealership by going to Always ride safe out there and remember to put your blinker on before you put your break on. ESPECIALLY WHEN DRIVING YOUR CAR. Read the rest of this entry »

Knights Of Inferno’s 1st Annual Frank Celico Run

By Ronald Melvin

InfernoKnoghts1 April 28th, it wasn't quite nine o'clock as a dozen or so members of the Knights of Inferno and their supporters moseyed in and out of the B.F.A.A.R. Post 1, like zombies. In their hands were hot cups of coffee. Several settled on a plate of biscuits and gravy.  Those outside watched curiously as a police cruiser drove into the parking lot. Looking closely one could see that this was not an ordinary police cruiser. Every open surface space on the cruiser was filled with signatures and drawings from Sgt. Frank Celico's family, friends and the Flagler community. Both adults and children shared their memories and goodbyes. This was the first stop of the 1st Annual Frank Celico Foundation Poker Run. Leaving the B.F.A.A.R. the cruiser led a group of bikers to the next stop which was Roadside Tavern followed by the Riverside Grill Restaurant, the Dog Pound Saloon and ending at the White Eagle Lounge. Funds raised will be used to acquire bikes for the underprivileged youth of Flagler County which was Frankie's passion. The foundation website is for information and donations. Read the rest of this entry »

2013 Credit Union Cruise For Kids

By Deborah Speicher

CreditUnionForKids One of my favorite events is the Credit Union Cruise for Kids. After registering and pulling our first cards at Brandon H-D, we were onto Tampa H-D. We then took the scenic route over the Howard Franklin Bridge to Jim’s H-D and then finished at Quaker Steak & Lube. We arrived to the band Jaded jamming and the parking lot filling up with hundreds of bikes. I always have a good time at this event -- once the ride is over, the party starts. They had a bike show, rockin’ bands, vendors, giveaways featuring two $5,000 VISA cards and some excellent gift baskets. Congratulations go to the Florida Gulf Coast HOG and Shriners’ riding groups for the club challenge. They actually tied for the most participants and each will be awarded a first place trophy! When all was said and done, it was announced that 355 riders participated in the event and $65,000 was raised. In the past nine years, this event has raised over $485,000! Not only do we get to enjoy a day of riding and socializing, but we make a difference for some of our youngest members of the community. All of the monies raised by this event are donated to Tampa Bay area charities that benefit children such as The Children’s Home, Clothes to Kids, the Boys and Girls Club of Hernando, All Children’s Hospital and the Make a Wish. Join me next year and let’s cruise for the kids! Read the rest of this entry »

American Legion Riders On The Move

By Metric and Phoenix

AmericanLegion2013 The American Legion Riders (ALR) is the fastest growing program in the American Legion. The American Legion Riders have become a seventy (55 mph just in case law enforcement is reading this) mile per hour billboard for assisting Veterans and their families. The Florida American Legion Riders alone this year have grown to 68 Chapters and nearly 3500 members. They have traveled over a million and a half miles across the state and beyond. They have supported nearly a thousand programs and have risen over a half a million dollars for various charities. The American Legion Riders signature fund raiser is the Legacy Fund, which is designed to give scholarships to children of our military families who have lost the lives in service to our country. This year the Florida Riders held its’ first In State Legacy Ride which began in Panama City covering 1815 miles in eight days with a two day stop in the Keys (for a much need Rest and Relaxation), back up the east coast and home to Panama City, along the way the Riders collected $12,000.00 to be contributed to the national Legacy Fund. To top off a great year of riding, ALR Chapter 69 in Avon Park hosted the first annual State Rally. The Captain (Rabbit) and crew (Post 69) with the help from a few ships in the fleet pulled off a fleet sized event with a group size force. GREAT JOB!!!! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! Next year’s rally will be held in Palm Bay around the middle of May, so mark your calendar and let’s get everyone on board to the have a great time!!! Read the rest of this entry »

BooDan’s Big Ride

By Miserable George

BooDansRide OK, some of you know him, some don’t, but, BooDan, WMC, 1%er has been traveling the country every summer, visiting other clubs, civic organizations, etc., promoting motorcycle awareness...not only concerning clubs, but ALL motorcycle riders. He cannot do this completely on his own...he needs financial help, and, he’s been getting it, from all over the U.S.A.! Now, there is a not-so-pleasant side of this story, in that Danny found out that he has stage 3 lymphoma. He’s now going through a very unpleasant series of chemo treatments, and, vows to take the "Big Ride" in July. God bless him, I hope he can do it! In the meantime, clubs and businesses all over Brevard Co. have pitched in to help raise the funds needed to get him on his way. Recently, there was a Poker Run and party, ending at Brevard’s premier Biker Bar...H&D Roadhouse, on Merritt Is. They tell me over $3000 was raised on that day alone...well done troops!! There were non-stop live bands, a bunch of good food, 50/50, an auction, and of course, Harry’s and Debbie’s efforts to make sure everybody had a good time...AND, they did. I can attest to THAT!!! The Roadhouse has been a Thunder Roads Florida advertiser for quite a few years now, and is biker owned and operated. Even though the ride has already begun, donations can still be made. Call Charlie...Warlock’s Internet Radio, at...321-508-3873...he’ll tell you what to do. Danny’s goal is to make sure that the days of getting a "slap on the wrist" for killing or injuring a biker are at an end!! It’ll happen, but, we gotta work at it. Ride safe, and may GOD Bless You All!!! OK, this just in: Pay-pal- OR: Danny Ray Lee PMB 829 137 S. Courtenay Pkwy. Merritt Is., FL 32952 Read the rest of this entry »

Getting Twisted At Frank’s Place

By Amy Poole

  FranksPlace2013This Twisted Tea Party has been one of our Bigger ones, considering it was Mother’s Day and Frank’s Place is one of the newbies on the block. But Mom’s came out to get “Twisted”, and we even had peeps from as far as Edgewater joining us to get Twisted too!! I have to say Thunder Roads Florida Magazine does what we thrive to do each month….get the word out there to you all!! We got a bit of a late start with the Twisted Tea girls getting lost, but once the Tea and freebies started flowin’ there was no stopping it!! A bunch of peeps that could not carry food on their ride or weren’t aware of the idea, ran next store to the $1 General and bought items to donate! Bringing us 68 pound of food and the winner of the cash prize donated half of his winnings back to the food bank! Frank’s is a quaint blooming bar that has weekly entertainment, BBQ cookouts and $2 domestics all the time!! Thanks Frank, Karen, and crew for your hospitality!!! Read the rest of this entry »

Knockout Ride For Jolene

By Lulu [autoviewer id="255" width="600" height="600" ] I spend most weekends traveling to distant events in our beautiful state and often miss the events in my “sweet home Daytona”, but I was fortunate to be able to ride on a run for one of my dear friend’s girlfriend, Jolene. I must admit I really don’t know Jolene well, as since she has been dating my friend Mike she had barely been able to talk due to what we all thought was just a nodule on her voice box. But 27 year old Jolene was just diagnosed with cancer of the larynx. The ride started at Circus Two and the parking lot was packed. Jolene who has already started her treatment was just beaming in every photo I shot. I know that there is no better medicine than something like a huge outpouring of love! The stops included American Legion on Walker, Babe’s Blue Room, White Eagle and the Iron Horse. The final “round” of this knock out ride was a party at Circus Two. I know Jolene and her family appreciate all the love and support! They raised nearly $3000 with 120 bikes signed up. And the Dirty White Boys from Holly Hill gave a separate donation just for Jolene…thanks Boys! Read the rest of this entry »

10th Annual Easter Bunny Run Toy Sets All-Time Record

By Ron Cox [autoviewer id="254" width="600" height="600" ] The Southwest Florida Chapter of HOG (Harley Owners Group) and its sponsoring dealer Harley Davidson of Ft. Myers (HDFM) set a new record for participation in its 10th Annual Easter Bunny Toy Run with 1,109 registered riders/passengers on 800 motorcycles. What started out with about 125 participants ten years ago has become the second largest motorcycle run in Southwest Florida, second only to the March of Dimes Bikers for Babies. Bunny run founder(and still the Bunny) Jack Fenwick toured the Children's Hospital at HealthPark ten years ago and noticed there were few toys for the patients to play with. Fenwick brought the idea of having a toy run on the Saturday before Easter Sunday back to the HOG Chapter and the membership enthusiastically embraced it. Hospital staff explained that when a child is experiencing a difficult time with his/her illness or undergoes a painful medical procedure they are allowed to select one toy from the toy chest to play with and take home. The toys, boxed games and arts/crafts supplies the bikers bring will keep all of the toy chests on all the children's wards stocked for a year. The Easter Bunny Toy Run actually began on Friday night when HDFM hosts a "Bike Night" in its spacious parking lot. Riders can pre-register (and more than 600 did), sample the food prepared by the Chapter's "chefs”, enjoy the music provided by an onsite DJ and check out the wares of the numerous vendors. The riders received their "goodie bags" filled with items like keychain flashlights, bottle openers, a $10 off coupon provided by HDFM and a commemorative pin which the Chapter claims is the best event pin in SWFL! Numerous raffle prizes and a 50/50 drawing wrapped up the evenings happenings. Biker friendly establishments like Victory Lane and Crossroads Grill & Lounge donated gift certificates for the raffles. Early Saturday morning volunteers returned to setup for registration. Since the vendors had vacated the night before, more volunteers positioned themselves to guide the bikes into assigned parking lanes. This ensured orderly departure at the appointed time. At 11am sharp, the Easter Bunny made his appearance and took his ceremonial lap around the parking lot announcing his arrival and the rides imminent departure. Motor units and patrol cars from the Lee County Sheriff's Department skillfully led the procession on its 17 mile route to the hospital which has been renamed as the Golisano Children's Hospital at HealthPark. Awaiting the Easter Bunny's arrival, hospital staff brought down to the entrance all of the young ambulatory patients. As the rumble of approaching motorcycles grew louder and louder, the level of excitement grew accordingly. As the riders gathered in the hospital's Atrium speeches were kept to a minimum. Jim Nathan, President of the Lee Memorial Health System (LMHS) welcomed and thanked the riders for their generosity and support for this ride and the children for ten years. Little by little the riders saddled up and headed back to HDFM for the rest of the festivities. Jason's Deli provided a tasty box lunch, Coca-Cola donated the soft drinks and water and McArthur's Dairy ponied up the ice cream. All of the aforementioned, plus the goodie bag and the ride is still only $5! Raffle prizes and another 50/50 kept the riders around. Debbie Mehling was especially happy she stuck around as she rode off with the $348 50/50 prize. And Sandra Comp was overjoyed as she won the two tickets Jet Blue donated, good for anywhere it flies. We should point out here that Chapter Member Eric Sprauer worked 50 volunteer hours to secure the tickets. Chapter members enjoy a great deal of contentment knowing their efforts mean so much to these children stuck in the hospital at Easter. No rest for the weary however, as work on the 11th Annual Easter Bunny Toy Run, scheduled for April 19, 2014 will begin shortly. So save the date! Read the rest of this entry »

Nobodies Opinion June 2013

By Billy "Kneecap" Braddock The United States has been called the “Melting Pot” because all types of people have immigrated from all over the world to this country. The state of Florida has a similar reputation. People from all over the country come to Florida for the climate, the beaches, attractions, and to be able to work with no state income tax. Many were fleeing high taxes, crime, corruption, forced unionization, and economic uneasiness. It must be they become homesick because they immediately want to make their new home like their old home. They constantly vote for the same things that ruined the area they left. Limited government was the main reason Florida progressed. Once settled in, the newcomers want more and more government services and more regulations. Then they complain that their taxes are going up. I hate the expression “there ought to be a law about that”. We have enough laws and regulations. What we need is less government. I want someone to explain this phenomenon to me. You lived in a place where you were allergic to certain plants and trees. So you move to a place where these plants and trees don't exist. You feel better. Things are going fine. Then you decide to plant these trees and plants that you were allergic to at your other home, in your front yard. Mind-boggling isn't it? This is what's been happening in Florida over the past 50 years. They moved here to rid themselves of the things that were hurting them and then try to mirror their past neighborhood. Are old self-destructive habits that hard to break? If you love big government that creates parasites and chokes the life out of businesses, go back, or stay where the hell you are. If you want to come to Florida, move here, but leave your noxious plants beyond. State government is not the only problem we have in this country. The federal government has grown way beyond the bounds that our Founding Fathers outlined in our Constitution. Just look at the recent scandals that have plagued this country. The IRS, which is the most powerful and feared part of our government has been exposed to its methods. I've often said that if Hitler had had the IRS instead of the SS, we would all be doing the goose-step. Political correctness is a noxious plant that is strangling our country. To get a gun illegally is easy. To get a gun legally is hard. To immigrate to this country legally is hard. Illegally is easy. Our children are becoming wusses. They can't play tag or dodge ball. And probably tug-of-war will be changed to tug of peace. If there ever was a reason for the decline of this country, government schools should be at the forefront. When we allow children to graduate high school who cannot read or write, this country is in trouble. I think it's time for a revolution, not with pitchforks but with votes. As long as we allow uninformed voters to take control, we will reach the point of no return. We used to be the beacon of economic freedom. We not only slipped from the top 10, we now rank a pathetic 18th even Hong Kong, Singapore and Chile are ahead of us. I've been hearing a lot lately about assteroids hitting the earth. I found a cure for this problem. Just send a rocket full of Preparation H to collide with the assteroid. The other day I took my truck to my mechanic for repairs. I asked him what we should do with it. He mentioned “Euthanasia”. See you on the shiny side of tomorrow... Read the rest of this entry »

Leesburg 2013 Bikefest

By Lulu [autoviewer id="250" width="600" height="600" ] Once again Leesburg Partnership pulled off one hell of a street party for those who love to ride! Known for 3 days of miles of vendors, bands, girls and fun what sets this apart from many is how darn biker friendly the community remains! Every restaurant and bar we went in, even the ritzy Mission Inn welcomed us and thanked us for coming. The Rat’s Hole Bike Show, headliners such as Stephen Pearcy, Candlebox, The Outlaws and Nova Rex thrilled the overflowing crowds. My favorite band during the event was Greg Billing on the Budweiser stage and the place was packed with all of us singing along on almost every song! But with 60+ bands there was music for everyone’s taste! And girls, girls everywhere…Miss Rat’s Hole, Miss Gator Harley-Davidson and Miss Leesburg Bike Fest all were drop dead gorgeous. You can ask anyone that has been; the nice areas to ride are well worth the trip even if all the excitement in downtown wasn’t going on. Sugarloaf Mountain Road and down in the hills of Clermont are just wonderful riding for Florida. Add to that the county is Lake County and there is water everywhere. Thank you Leesburg Partnership, Gator and Stormy-Hill Harley-Davidson for continuing to put on a class act. Read the rest of this entry »

Bikefest 2013 Okeechobee

By Lulu [autoviewer id="249" width="600" height="600" ] In the spring each year the end of the Rim Ditch Passport event ends at Okeechobee. The Rim Ditch Ride is a multiple stop event that runs over a full calendar year. The stops are along the perimeter of Lake Okeechobee. At Bikefest Okeechobee they pull the winner from two different qualifiers: those who made all the stops and those who made half. The winners walk away with a nice cash prize. The passport is sponsored by Treasure Coast Harley-Davidson. The event was emceed by Marc Sandlin from Style Studio a local bike shop. During the weekend event they have vendors, music, bike games, a poker run, tattoo contests, car show, bike show and even chicken poop bingo! This is a very laid back event held this year at Cypress Hut Eagles 4509. There is a cover charge of $5 that benefits the Eagles. Unlike most bike festivals that require walking miles to visit lots of vendors, this event is all onsite at the Eagles and they had a great indoor bar with AC!!!! We bought our Passports for next year and hope to complete all the stops! A great weekend of riding awaits those who want to try a new riding adventure. Read the rest of this entry »

Bulls Eye June 2013

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By Raven Van Pelt


This month’s Bull’s Eye is someone many in Duval and Nassau counties know as a Tippy. Marc “Tippy” Pica is the Associate Director of Purchasing for Florida State College in Jacksonville. Marc grew up in Orange Park, Florida but now resides just south of Yulee on the border of Duval and Nassau counties. Marc is an avid biker, fisherman, musician, active community supporter and living historian. His first bike was a Honda SL 70 which he used to “attempt to break some bones in his body”. Then he got into MX racing at age 14 and succeeding in breaking the rest of his bones. Surfing has been a lifelong passion of his until as he puts it, “I got fat”. About 2002 when he hit an early “mid-life crisis” and just had to have a bike (and with his beautiful wife Lee’s blessing), he purchased his first real bike, a 1997 Honda Magna 750 that he says was simply awesome. Currently he rides a 2001 Victory V92C (1500cc) that he loves but plans to Harley up someday soon (with his wife Lee’s blessing).

Marc is a volunteer for the Living Historian Program at Fort Clinch State Park and a member of the Friends of Fort Clinch Citizens Support Organization, a 501c(3) Not for Profit that raises funding to directly support Fort Clinch State Park. In 2010, Marc and two of his closest friends, Scott Bucher and Billy Taylor, also Living Historians, founded the Ground Pounders Riding Club. Their Mission: To Honor the Brave Men and Women who have fought for this great Nation. With a dedicated membership of active, retired and former military, and Patriotic Americans, the Ground Pounders actively support any Military event that directly supports our fighting men and women protecting this country’s freedoms. For the past two years the club is a co-host with the Florida State College Foundation and Adamec Harley-Davidson on Baymeadows Rd. in Jacksonville, the Wounded Vets Ride for Pride Scholarship Rally which provides scholarships for wounded vets and their families selected by the Wounded Warrior Project, to attend Florida State College at Jacksonville. This event was the brain child of Marc and has been a huge success every year benefitting many Wounded Warrior Project candidates. Marc and his fellow club members ride with the Patriot Guard Riders and support many other charitable events throughout the area, but mostly they concentrate on supporting our Military. If you see Marc at any of these events, go up and say hello.

Because of Marc’s dedication to the military and biker communities, his leadership in fund raising for these communities, and his absolutely hilarious postings on Facebook, we have put Marc in this month’s Bull’s Eye.

Bikes Pups & Rides

By Amy Poole [autoviewer id="248" width="600" height="600" ] The happenings at the Iron Horse Saloon go from one extreme to the other, but these last 3 were at the top of the list! The Ruff Ride, benefiting the furry friends at the Halifax Humane Society, was an escorted ride through the Loop and brought 285 participants to the Iron Horse during Bike Week…what an amazing turnout during a vast event already! Big Poppa’s BBQ dished out the riders tasty dinners along with the new Ruff Ride t-shirt. Raising an enormous amount of $5,000.00!! Their next Ruff Ride will be starting at the Halifax Humane Society on Oct 17th and ending at the Iron Horse during Biketoberfest. For more info you can go to or check the Thunder Roads calendar. The 1st Bike Night at the Horse ROCKED them all!!! Ladies rode in for the open class bike show winning a PINK toolbox with all kinds of fun and flirty toys inside the box!! Jender played their heart out and we danced our tushes off in return!! The grill was fired up for the backyard cookout along with chances to win prizes if you brought your VIP card…if you don’t have one yet check into it. The outback was definitely in full swing for the first event and with the warm summer nights coming…it WILL simply become bigger and badder!! This new bike night will be featured on the 1st Saturday of every month with a different class of bike show each month. The Vintage Bike Show and Spring Ride was not a very springy day but there were a few vintage bikes that showed up at J&P Cycles to register. It was a little chilly but J&P had the BEST hot coffee and donuts from Dunkin’ waiting for those that ventured out. J&P Cycles is striving to be more involved in events with the local biker community and has performed a remarkable task at doing just that!! You can always look in Thunder Roads for the upcoming happenings!! Read the rest of this entry »

Pony Tales June 2013

By Lulu Boy this has been a sad month. A dear friend to me and the motorcycle community passed away and it really took the wind out of my sails. Kevin Rosa, co-owner of the White Eagle a bar that catered to the biking community before most, passed away and I will miss him deeply. He was the life of the party and lived life more fully than many. He worked hard, played hard and cared for bikers. His bar fed anyone who showed up on the last Sunday of the month for years…no minimum drink required. Just show up and eat, listen to music and enjoy the company of other bikers. He was a huge supporter of Thunder Roads Florida, personally landing ad sales with other bars when I needed help in the beginning. I loved him for that. When my car was rusted he took me to get a paint job, telling the guy to give me a good deal because I was his wife…little white lie!!! But the guy winked and did a great job for half the price. When I needed a roommate he introduced me to Sherry Fletcher his bar manager at the time and ended up giving me one of my most precious gifts in life, my best friend. I hate to think I won’t ride along side Kevin and Neeltje on his Screaming Eagle on our way to Key West again. Those miles of highway riding will just be great memories now. I want to thank you Neeltje for the hours of devoted care you gave to Kevin, it is only because of you he had the last couple of years with us. Kevin’s saying when he was having too much fun was “KNUCKLES”, and you better not leave him hanging! You just smacked your knuckles against his and he would laugh. He fought the hardest fight I have ever witnessed with his second bout of throat cancer, any other person would have died within six months of the second diagnosis…that is the statistics; and 2 and a half years he lived. I took a piece of wood and hammered long big nails in it and wrote on it “Tough as Nails”, tied balloons to it and visited him early on during his radiation…he laughed and said “You too!” knowing how hard I took Bull’s suicide years before. I will miss Kevin’s support. He was my friend and now I have one less…bad month. Read the rest of this entry »