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Fight Like A Girl

By Metric and Phoenix

“You fight like a girl” is not something any biker or even his old lady would take kindly to hearing, but I found a young lady who redefines the meaning of “Fight like a Girl”. Sydnee is a beautiful 14 year old young lady who was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia back in March. Syndee will be entering the 9th grade this year and is bravely facing all the challenges that she must battle. She loves horseback riding and volleyball. Syndee’s family has a great philosophy for life. The slogan in the t-shirt reads: “If he brings you to it, he will bring you through it”. It’s that type of faith and hope that each of us wish we could possess. Thanks to our brothers from the Warlocks MC of Highlands County who organized a great poker run. They raised nearly $2,000.00 to help make the battle for Sydnee a little bit easier for the family financially. The day started with breakfast with the American Legion Riders from Chapter 69 in Avon Park. Then we traveled to some of the best local biker friendly places in all of Florida. The first stop on the run was to the Blue Lagoon, then off to the Tap Room in Avon Park, out the beautiful back roads to Charlotte’s Web, across to Carlie Lynn’s and back to the Wolf Park Clubhouse to wrap a great day with a great party. Thanks to all that helped, let’s keep Syndee and her family in our prayers.

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