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Issues Lounge & Package Celebrated Deland Bike Rally

By Lulu

On a Mystery Ride Royce suggested we stop at a bar unknown to us in downtown Deland, Issues Lounge & Package. It is a cool joint with full liquor, and we gladly made it a stop. Once there, we met the owners Fritz and Holly who told us during Deland Bike Rally the bar puts on a 3-day gig and closes the streets to vehicles, erects a stage in the street for bands, brings in vendors and puts up an outside bar. So, we put it on our calendar, and you should too for next year. On Friday, Issues had a kick-off party, Saturday live music added to the festivities, and Sunday was billed as Bikes, Brews & Blues, but due to inclement weather being forecast, they cancelled the bike show. The weather for the most part held off and lots of peeps were listening to a cool blues band Issues had outside. Don’t wait until 2025 to find this gem! It is located at 114 E. Indiana Avenue!

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