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Moving Wall Brevard County 2013

By ValGal


First, I would like to thank my daughter, Jessica, for all her help with the photography at this awesome event…thanks Jess.

It was a hit or miss type of day weather-wise, but, at least, it didn’t rain real hard. As I walked around Wickham Park, I never realized just how many people appreciated this event. Both young and old, were searching the Wall for the names of loved ones they have lost, some, never even having met that person…a Grandfather…an Uncle…a Father…taken before their time. I had spoken to a veteran the previous week-end as they were erecting the Wall, and, with tears in his eyes, he told us something he had never told anyone else…about being left at a helicopter pick-up point on the battle field, watching many of his friends being air-lifted out of the chaos. He said it took him 12 years before he managed to visit the Wall…now, he will never miss it again! The emotion is overwhelming; the uncommon mix of pride and sorrow, showing on every one’s face!

God bless our soldiers…past and present!

A big thanks to all the vendors, bands, and to Doc Holiday, for helping to make this event the success it always is! But, most of all THANK YOU to our fighting men and women…past and present…for their dedication and sacrifice for our great country…

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