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Pony Tales Aug 2013

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By Lulu

On August 10th we will be riding on a memorial run for one of my best buddies in life Sharon Pedoto. It is hard to believe but it has been one year since she died of lung cancer. She was young, adorable and one of the sweetest women to walk this earth. I miss her, as do many! But whether you knew her or not, I ask you to ride with us to remember those who have passed from cancer or to honor those who are fighting the battle now. It is a free fun ride, although we will be doing a raffle and 50/50 for the American Cancer Society.

On a positive note on the same subject, another dear friend that we rode on a fund raiser for a couple of months ago just found out she is cancer free. After her brave bout of chemo and radiation, she got the great news. So much research has been done and amazing changes are happening in the field of cancer; but it has been an expensive search for cures and many brave patients have endured horrific treatments to get us to the place where cures do happen!

If you haven’t been touched by cancer consider yourself blessed and remember to ride this year on some ride benefitting American Cancer Society or someone with cancer…it’s kind of like “an apple a day keeps the doctors away”…good karma!

Ride on a run for someone who needs help, thank the good lord if you don’t need help and don’t forget your sunscreen!

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