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Thunder Riders Party At The 2012 Leesburg Bikefest

Thunder Riders Party

By Lulu

If you aren’t a Thunder Rider yet, go to our website to join!
We have parties or rides from time to time and during Leesburg we had one at Club Palace on Main St. The great part of this party was AC since it was Saturday afternoon; the bad part was it was packed! The free pizza and AC must have brought in extra “peeps”…or maybe it was the $100 bucks we were giving away! At any rate the pizza was gone in nothing flat. The pizza was delicious and if you live in Leesburg you need to check out Hoss Pizza…their phone number is 352-728-4677. I don’t put my stamp of approval on many things, but they went out of their way to get us a slew of pizza…on time, and they battled a bit of a traffic dilemma as the roads are closed to vehicles during Bikefest. One of the guys in the band won the $100 and I was glad he did as they played their hearts out for us.

As a Thunder Rider member you will get updates about events we are covering and invites to our parties.

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